carb nite fail

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  • #453041


    Hi guys,

    Yesterday it was finally my first carb night after a strict reorientation phase. But i didnt expercience a typical carb tiredness nor a hot, sweaty night, instead, i had very poor sleep and feel pretty much like shit the day after….
    Did i eat the wrong stuff or not enough carbs? I really have no idea what was wrong

    What i ate yesterday:

    4 eggs with bacon, coconut oil and some apple cider

    pre workout: coffee with coconut oil

    19 h workout

    post workout: 2 scoops of casein hydryisolates

    starting from around 20 h: around 200 g of gluten free (corn) spaghetti with tuna and ketchup

    a plate of 2-3 (very) sweet potatoes with chicken

    2 cups of rice pudding

    scoop of casein hydroisolate

    6 donuts

    some chicken

    cheesecake, some fresh cheese, casein and a scoop of casein hydroisolate

    1 h : sleep

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by wiking85.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by wiking85.

    Makoto Tomizawa

    I never experienced the hot flashes. It’s not the definitive indication of whether your Carb Nite was good or bad.
    Feeling like shit the next day could be attributed to the amount of sugar you took in. I’m guessing your rice pudding had sugar in it (in the form of sucrose), 6 donuts is a lot of sugar, and cheesecake has more sugar. Liver glycogen is pretty small, so even with a roughly 50/50 glucose/fructose ratio of sucrose, that might have been enough to fill it up, and you’re experiencing the effects of liver glycogen depletion.

    Try having a rough estimate of how much carbs/fats/protein you eat. Then you can adjust and see how your body reacts (higher fat, lower fat, starchy carbs, etc.)

    Training Log:



    Hi Mt,

    Yesterday was my second carbnite, but still not the typical hot flashes at night. Im pretty sure im fatadapted as well as i can easily do workouts without carbs and dont feel very hungry for long times.
    I followed your tips and focused on starchy foods instead.

    What i ate:

    morning: some almond nuts with chicken (normally i eat eggs with bacon and coconut oil)

    17 h: workout

    post workout: scoop of waxy maize with 2 scoops of casein hydrolysates

    18.30 h 12.30:
    250 grams of cornspaghetti with tuna and some ketchup
    200 grams of white gluten free bread with chocolate milk mixed with scoop of waxy maize.
    500 grams of mashed potatoes with 125 g of white rice and chicken

    some macarons with half a cup of fresh cheese and 2 scoops of casein hydrolysates

    result: exploding stomach, but not warm feeling


    The only thing i can think off, is that its still not enough carbs??
    But as it is very hard to eat all this stuff, i might try it next time with dextrose powder.


    Makoto Tomizawa

    Like I said, some people don’t experience the hot flashes. The more important thing is whether you are moving in the right direction in regards to your goal (fat loss, I’d assume since you’re on Carb Nite). Do you keep track of how much you weigh? Measurements? How clothes fit?

    2 weeks might be too early to tell, but if you are making progress, just keep going. It’ll probably take several Carb Nite tries to figure out to what you respond the best.

    Are those carbs weighed cooked or uncooked? The amount will most likely depend on your gender, height, weight, body fat %, etc… I would say for the next few Carb Nites, track your food on something like My Fitness Pal and see where you end up with macros.

    Those are pretty heavy starchy carbs that tends to fill most people up pretty quickly, so you could also try things like cereal, low-fat (or full-fat because it tastes better haha) ice cream, frozen yogurt… or drench those carbs in corn syrup, liquid carbs are highly palatable.

    Training Log:

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carb nite fail

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