Carb Nite for Diabetics?

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    Hey everybody. I am a personal trainer and starting in january I am running a transformation contest at my gym. I am also planning on having a group of ladies (all over weight some even obese) all do CNS. I am going to call them “The Carb Nite Crew” and if you guys want I can post before and afters updates whateva you want. But that's beside the point, my question is some of these women are hesitant because much of CNS is no/lo carb. Can anyone give me a little science on how CNS will help improve their diabetic symptoms? Im not very educated on diatebesThanks In advance,Tommy


    Lesli Bortz

    Listen to the recent podcast by Dr.Patel. He uses CNS on his diabetic patients with great success. I'm sure you can search the forums for more information from him. He also has a Facebook page that is “liked” on the DH Facebook page.


    Damon Amato

    read the books as well.



    Is the Carb Nites Solution protocol different in anyway for people with diabetes or other metabolic conditions?  Still <30 usable carbs/day for non carb night times . . ?Still average about 1 carb nite/week?Still go for it on carb nites re: carbs and calories . .  any special variations for people with with diabetes or other metabolic conditions?Any other special advise?



    I call myself a former diabetic since using Carb Nite. I'm off all of my meds and feel better than I have in years. The best part is that it's just as stupid simple as Kiefer says it is. My diabetic mother has reduced all of her meds and my insulin dependent 80 year old grandmother has cut her insulin use in half. If you are diabetic, you have to give it a try.

    Is the Carb Nites Solution protocol different in anyway for people with diabetes or other metabolic conditions?  Still <30 usable carbs/day for non carb night times . . ? YesStill average about 1 carb nite/week? YesStill go for it on carb nites re: carbs and calories . .  any special variations for people with with diabetes or other metabolic conditions? I just watched my sugars but felt fine and never had a problem. Any other special advise? Try to get a training session in on carb night. I liked heavy squats and pancakes but I could tell a bg difference when I didn't a workout in.



    I call myself a former diabetic since using Carb Nite. I'm off all of my meds and feel better than I have in years. The best part is that it's just as stupid simple as Kiefer says it is. My diabetic mother has reduced all of her meds and my insulin dependent 80 year old grandmother has cut her insulin use in half. If you are diabetic, you have to give it a try.

    Wow that awesome! Congratulation on the "former" part .. and also for being able to help other family members!  Those are all big deals!  Also thank you for the information!May I ask about how you were eating prior to doing Carb Nites?I have been eating paleo/primal ... well sort of lacto-paleo with an occasional side of beans and I've been doing a low-ish carb version . . . but not as low as 30 useable gm/day . . . I have to admit that being that low leaves me feeling depleted especially when it has been several days since the Carb Nite.  I am not Diabetic . .  I have adrenal fatigue, hypothyriodism and PCOS and it's just really easy for me to gain fat . . and really hard for me to lose it and hard for me to keep or gain muscle. . . I hope Carb Nites will be helpful . . maybe doing low carb all the time has made my adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism even worse . . I felt like I had to stay low carb in order to try to manage the PCOS and insulin resistance and weight difficult that comes with it . . again I hope that Carb Nites will be the thing I have been looking for . .May I ask did you struggle with the < 30 useable gm of carbs/day . .  and feeling good and having enough energy to function (and even exercise . .like maybe somethings weights)  on it in the beginning?  Did it get better?How long did it take before it seems stupid simple?  Right now it just feel counter-intuitive and a little wrong even to be eating of the carbs once a week.Any other advice?



    I transitioned to Carb Nite from Atkins and I had burned myself out on low carb fat loss to the point that I needed a month or two of CBL to reset myself. Honestly I have never struggled eating ULC. In the beginning it was hard to convince myself that I wouldn't go in to shock over a slice of pizza but when my numbers kept getting better I started to believe it.The best advice I can offer is to not over think it and not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Eat whole foods. Mostly beef, bacon, eggs and vegetables. Get comfortable with fat because it's what will keep you from feeling like hell in the beginning and drink as much water as you can stand.I have coffee with cream in the morning, usually a couple of eggs and bacon, or a burger patty for lunch and then a nice big meal in the evening with some kind of meat, some green beans or broccoli in butter and a salad. If I'm hungry between meals I either have a few sunflower seeds or a small scoop of almond butter. I don't do it perfectly but it works for me. On Saturday I have my carb night. I like to try and train around 3:00, then begin my feast. I keep a list during week of things I want to eat but can't and on Saturday I have them. I usually start around five and Im done by nine. Make sure you drink plenty of water on your carb night. It's important for anyone but especially diabetic because we need to keep our kidneys flushed. I don't know if this is helpful or not but the diet has been really successful for me and all in all it's really easy to follow.



    I transitioned to Carb Nite from Atkins and I had burned myself out on low carb fat loss to the point that I needed a month or two of CBL to reset myself.

    I want to know more about the reset!  I think when Kiefer was a guest on the Robb Wolf podcast, he mentioned something about a reset or resetting [and this was regarding metabolically damaged people, I think].  Maybe I have burned myself out on low carb too  . . I don't seem to be able to lose fat on it anymore .. . . but I've been afraid that if I stopped doing it, that I would gain, perhaps uncontrollable.  Are you saying that I should give Carbs Nites a month or two . . or so . . in which I might not see weight/fat loss . . . but then things will reset and weight/fat loss will be possible?

    I don't know if this is helpful or not but the diet has been really successful for me and all in all it's really easy to follow.

      No this is really helpful . . . may I ask, how much fat/weight have you lost? Were you Type 2 . . and did you have to take insulin shots prior to Carb Nites?


    Lesli Bortz

    You may not be eating enough if you've stopped losing weight. Might be helpful to post your daily routine.



    I wasn't on insulin prior to carb nite but I was close to needing it before I started down this path. When I started Atkins I weighed 315lbs and had an A1C of close to 8. I lost a log of weight going really low carb along with a lot of muscle and dropped down to 230lbs. I was stuck here for a long time before I found CNS and looked like hell. I was 20% body fat at this point and wanted to do better.After two months on CNS I had very little progress so I started asking questions and was turned onto Carb Back Loading which I did for a couple of months and then hit carb nite again. I think two months of eating carbs at night on a regular basis was the reset I needed to make Carb Nite sing. I just kept my fat to protein at a 1 to 1 ratio and 1 carb per pound of body weight after training. Since doing this and going back to carb night my weight has increased to 240 but my body fat has dropped to 18%. I look and feel a lot better and it's been really simply to maintain.I don't know if I'm answering your questions but I hope this is helpful.


    Dr. Rocky Patel

    Hey everybody. I am a personal trainer and starting in january I am running a transformation contest at my gym. I am also planning on having a group of ladies (all over weight some even obese) all do CNS. I am going to call them "The Carb Nite Crew" and if you guys want I can post before and afters updates whateva you want. But that's beside the point, my question is some of these women are hesitant because much of CNS is no/lo carb. Can anyone give me a little science on how CNS will help improve their diabetic symptoms? Im not very educated on diatebesThanks In advance,Tommy

    Only caution with DM patients is if they are on meds that can cause hypoglycemia or if they are on insulin. Patients can often see rapid lowering of sugar and if on these types of medications, the hypoglycemia can be very dangerous. As posted by others above, it is very effective for controlling and IMHO reversing the issues with DM



    I transitioned to Carb Nite from Atkins and I had burned myself out on low carb fat loss to the point that I needed a month or two of CBL to reset myself.

    I failed to read this sentence correctly, the first many times I read it.  I failed to notice the "Of Carb Back-Loading" and incorrectly assumed that you were able to reset yourself by doing Carb Nites for a month or two . . . 

    IWhen I started Atkins I weighed 315lbs and had an A1C of close to 8. I lost a log of weight going really low carb along with a lot of muscle and dropped down to 230lbs. I was stuck here for a long time before I found CNS and looked like hell. I was 20% body fat at this point and wanted to do better.After two months on CNS I had very little progress so I started asking questions and was turned onto Carb Back Loading which I did for a couple of months and then hit carb nite again. I think two months of eating carbs at night on a regular basis was the reset I needed to make Carb Nite sing. I just kept my fat to protein at a 1 to 1 ratio and 1 carb per pound of body weight after training. Since doing this and going back to carb night my weight has increased to 240 but my body fat has dropped to 18%. I look and feel a lot better and it's been really simply to maintain.I don't know if I'm answering your questions but I hope this is helpful.

    that is helpful!  My numbers and situation don't exactly mesh with yours . . . I'm a non-diabetic (but metabolically damaged) female . . I'm 5'3 about 125-130 lbs . .but my percent body fat is high ( >35% ) . . . I need to both gain muscle and lose fat . . .I'm wondering if I need to do some sort of a hybrid between The Carb Nites Solution and Carb Back-Loading.  I really identify with what you said about your needing to have carbs on a regular basic for a couple of months in order to reset and allow yourself to be successful on The Carb Nites Solution.  I seem to be struggling with the full week of < 30 grams of carbs/day between carb nites  . . I feel really good after the Carb Nite . . and pretty bad/depleated at the end of that week.  Also I think maybe I have kind of KO-ed my adrenals and thyriod . . and sort of mymetabolism . .  with the years of low carbing. .  although the low carbing has been good for controlling PCOS and Insulin Resistance . . and I think it was necessary to keep me from gaining even more fat . . but maybe I've sort of come to the end of the line on full time low carbing. . . . maybe I need to be eating carbs  .  and a bit more frequently than once a week for a while.    I am recovering from a physical injury plus trying to recover from adrenal fatigue so I am not sure at this time if I am up to dong the kind of working outs/lifting that I would need to do,  to justify doing Carb-Back Loading, espeically like doing a carb back-load every day.  Gaining some muscle probably would be one of the best things I could do to help myself . .  I bought both books  . . . I have read all the way though Carb Nites Solution . . . I have not made it all the way though Carb-Back Loading.  I feel like some of the supplements mentioned in Carb-Back Loading might be useful to me on Carb Nites (perhaps scheduled differently).  my intuition is telling me I should be doing something in between  Carb Nites Solution and Carb Back-Loading . . . maybe having a Carb Nite every 3-6 days but not really going for it as much on Carb Nites (I think in Carb Back-Loading it mentions that most women do not carry enough muscle to get away with really gorging on their Carb Back-Loads . .  since I have so little muscle, I am even concerned about that for Carb Nites (even though I understand that the two plans do not work in the same way)).  Anyway I feel so depleted doing <30 grams/day of usable carbs after a few days of doing it that  I feel like a bit more often might be better right now . . . I would like to have some kind of a reset like you described  . . and it seems like eating carbs at night on a regular basis was important for you  in order to be able to reset and then be successful on Carb Nites.  I'm not sure if I should be having of the carbs every night though that might be too much . . . if I am not going to be lifting heavy at least for a while.  Do you think there is some kind of in between that will be an improvement for me . . and that I would be able to sort of figure out how to find it . . . or do you think that I'm just going to make myself fatter and worse off by trying to do something in between CN and CBL?



    Kiefer mentioned in a recent podcast and article that CBL can work even without resistance training if you are at a deficit and don't go nuts on carbs. Maybe try having done rice or potatoes at night for a couple of months before giving CNS another go?



    Just wondering,I have my mom on it for a few weeks after explaining how the diet works for her. She is dependent on her medicine for the last four years and checks her blood pressure multiple times a day. She has a huge fear of this diet because she's been on her daily habits for so long.My three questions for those with diabetes who have successfully used the carb nite:1. Have you reached hypoglycemia while on the diet?2. Have you went into diabetic shock?3. Did you follow the carb nite regiment eating a bunch of high glycemic carbs in one sitting?I seen her on carb nite, and she doesn't eat a lot. She ate like a bowl of rice, and munched on some dried fruits, and that's it. She has her gallbladder removed, and I blame the fact that she's been fasting a lot. So she doesn't and cannot eat a lot of foods. She is about 100lbs over weight.I'm trying and trying to convince her to be more open to the diet, but I'm not sure if I should let her keep doing what she's doing.Oh, and I have been buying her coconut oil.. which works wonders. She only consumes 1.5g per day, after telling her to go more since she is cutting her sugar intake. But her daily caloric intake would be around 600 - 1500 calories per day through the week.


    Damon Amato

    I've had four clients who were type two diabetics.  All had to be monitored very closely for the first eight weeks.  I also had to lay out exact meal plans for carb nites, but that was more of a function of their personalities.  All four are doing markedly better and have reduced their insulin to 10-20 units/day or less.

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Carb Nite for Diabetics?

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