Carb shock.

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    Robert Haas

    If anyone is interested in the newest version of carb shock PM me.
    I use it just like the old formula and it is not going well. Ditching it.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Brandon D Christ

    What issues do you have. To be honest, sometimes it makes me feel kind of sick.


    Robert Haas

    It goes down ok but an hour later I’m on the toilet and it isn’t pretty.

    It’s mixed with water & 25 gr whey. I’ve cut the casein and dipeptides out thinking that was it.
    I have no problems with whey as long as I keep it under 50grams a serving.

    I’m ok with 5gr leucine. Have done that in capsule form prior to using CS with no problems so it one or more of the other ingredients in it that were added in the new formula.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Robert Haas


    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Penny Danner

    I need to check which formula I’m using now….the newest is with the Bright yellow lightning bolt, right? Vs the shiny gold one?

    I’ve noticed the same thing about the bathroom for awhile now and thought it was just me or something I was eating. Not fun to go out to dinner with hubby on Fri night and then end up in the bathroom at whatever place we are going to.


    Robert Haas

    Penny, the newest is not in a container but a box with individual packets. I’m back on the old version in the tub w/scoop and no problems so far.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Penny Danner



    Robert Haas

    Are you finding this happening only when you go out or with meals at home too? I have to watch when we go out. They tend to cook everything in vegetable oil which seams to do that to me as well. Sucks getting old LOL. I used to be able to eat anything. Not anymore.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Penny Danner

    Home too….it happened this week when we ate at home. I’m trying to remember the other time that stands out in my mind…if we ate at home or out. I started paying attention to it though.


    Robert Haas

    I just started taking things out of my PWO drink. Casein first, then hydrolyzed, then the only things left were one packet of carb Shock and one scoop of whey. Whey by itself doesn’t bother me unless I go over 2 scoops so that left Carb Shock as the culprit.
    I went back to the old CS and so far I’m OK with one scoop of each whey, casein, & hydrolyzed.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Penny Danner

    Happened again today. Workout, CS/whey. I know it is the CS because I had some whey before bed last night without CS and I was fine. Had whey (decided on no CS pwo yesterday) and was fine.


    Robert Haas

    Could be just the dosing. The containers with a scoop at least you can cut back and see what happens. The new stuff in packets is tougher to get anything but a full dose consistent. Hope you get it figured out and maybe Kiefer will get some feedback that it’s just too much for some and make an adjustment.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Penny Danner

    Oops….should have said I only used 1/2 a scoop. I’ll experiment more.

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Carb shock.

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