CarbNite and Trail Running / Hiking

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    I'm 5 days into re-orientation after a couple weeks of low-carbing (just not low enough) and am wondering how or if I can fit this in with my desire to do some trail running and longer-term “lifestyle” goals.  I love running and am trying to return to it following some of the barefoot and baseload-cardio (ie Maffetone, low-HR, run-on-fat) training this time around to make it more sustainable.  I'm not a racer.  I just love being out in the woods running/hiking for hours on end.  But - I'm up about 15lbs from where I was two years ago, most of which is flab, and I'd like to trim that off up front to make the running easier.  I also enjoy doing gym work; simple stuff like Rippetoe's starting-strength program.  I feel like I'm a bit of a tweener for all the discussions.  I understand I'm not supposed to be doing heavy (65%+ of MHR) aerobic work while on ultra-lowcarb; but I'm not sure I'm prevented from doing low-level aerobic work as long as I'm in the "run-on-fat" zone.  Plus, I want to work on maintaining muscle mass by keeping up the basic lifting routine.  Does all of this jive?I'm coming into CarbNite after 1-2 yrs of Paleo-type eating (though not super-strict and consistent); so I'm not someone that's totally fresh to doing exercise on low-carb.  But, I also don't want to waste my effort with CarbNite.Thoughts?  Can I run/hike as long as the intensity is really low?  And then do some intervals on Day 3 following my CarbNite?


    Brandon D Christ

    Hiking is fine, but running for hours is not a good idea.  Basically your options are low intensity cardio (walking or in your case hiking) or HIIT.  Medium Intensity cardio like distance running and jogging are not reccomended, especially for a long duration of time.People on this site may disagree with me, but I think there would no harm in short duration steady state cardio, just keep it around 20 mins a session (thats like a 5k right?) and only once or twice a week.Feel free to hike and walk as much you like.  Actually it is encouraged.

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CarbNite and Trail Running / Hiking

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