Carbs Needed?

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    Adam Hays

    Reading up on Kiefer discusses low carb and hulk effect. – he says, “Empty glycogen stores also seem to have no bearing on resistance training’s ability to stimulate muscle growth, and might be advantageous for accelerated fat loss” He says, “What matters when you train are your glycogen stores, and not the carbs you ingest. I’ll cover all-things-glycogen related in the next installment of this series”My questions are: 1. why do I need carbs to build muscle mass?2. why is CNS not an effective program to build muscle mass?



    Carbs cause insulin to spike, insulin makes things grow, like muscles. No you do not need carbs to build muscle mass, you need protein. However, carbs are a very very handy tool to add in your belt to increase the rate at which you build muscle. It also gives you some instant energy for your lifts by using the stored muscle glycogen, and they are dang tasty. If you can use them, why the heck not?


    Carbs cause insulin to spike, insulin makes things grow, like muscles. No you do not need carbs to build muscle mass, you need protein. However, carbs are a very very handy tool to add in your belt to increase the rate at which you build muscle. It also gives you some instant energy for your lifts by using the stored muscle glycogen, and they are dang tasty. If you can use them, why the heck not?

    Also, it's externally hard to build appreciable muscle mass without glycogen stores.Depleted glycogen stores can activate AMPk and shut off mTOR. Very bad thing if your goal is to build maximal muscle mass.



    The emptying and refilling of glycogen stores also triggers hypertrophy


    Brandon D Christ

    You also have to keep in mind that while you don't need carbs to stimulate muscle growth via resistance training, having glycogen allows to train a given intensity for more volume.  Thus you will get a stronger stimulus with carbs.Also what Trevor said is important.  Having glycogen in your muscles also results in increased muscle growth. 



    I tried to build muscle on cns, and just increased overall calories.  It did work, but not nearly as fast as CBL.  Dong CBL also made the diet plan much more bearable


    Adam Hays

    Great info. Thanks guys

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Carbs Needed?

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