Wanting to get some answers on carb intake on a per meal basis. I heard somewhere it was a max of 8 at a time so that's what I've been following. Wondering if its safe to push that slightly without a insulin spike. Obviously slamming 30g carbs in one sitting is a no no, but if I wanted to have a little more broc and avo with my steak at dinner ( counting usable carbs only) would it be ok to go over that 8? Appreciate the support/advise!
Well there isn't technically. That's just a lower carb amount for another type of diet. Like a low carb paleo thing. Not really recommended with CNS. If its veggies like real low carb fibrous veggies I'd say you're fine but anything low or high glycemic is a no no
Ohh ok. I wont even go there hah. I usually just do 1 or 2 cups of broccoli a day. and avocado, well i eat a good amount of that through the week but i dont rely on it as my fat source. Its always with an animal fat source or beloved coconut oil of course hah. Thanks again, your a big help on these forums!