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    Sherylea Hurst

    I work at a desk job 5 days a week and have been….for the past 2 years going for a 30 minute run 4 out of the 5 days.  I do this mainly because after sitting all morning I NEED to move my body however since implementing Carb Nite and starting to use HIIT before my workout 4 days a week I am wondering if I should be doing this 30 minute run each day?  My goal is to put some muscle on and to drop body fat.  I am already strength training 5-6 days per week and as I said I just started to implement HIIT.  So my question is do I keep this 30 minute run? If it is counterproductive then I could just go for a walk? Any thoughts on this?  I dont want to start going backwards on my progress 🙂


    Richard Schmitt

    Keep with HIIT, lose the LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) Cardio. You're not doing yourself any good by “running” long periods of time, except making yourself look saggy, and/or flat. Keep doing HIIT till you honestly can't do it anymore, like the prescribed HIIT from the Tubecasts Kiefer posted up on his site. I recommend taking a look at. Keep strength training! Walking is highly recommended too!


    Drop the run, but feel free to go walk.


    If you are using CNS, I'd limit strength training to 3-4 days… 5-6 is too frequent, and could stall you or cause over-training.  CNS is not a high-performance diet.On top of the 3-4 strength training days, you can get away with 1-2 days of HIIT cardio, fasted / empty stomach, preferably in morning, for 30 minutes per session.  Do this the two days directly AFTER a CN.Cory


    Sherylea Hurst

    Which leads me to my next question.  Keifer said that if HIIT cannot be done first thing then PRE WORKOUT is best for women.  However I have a read a few comments on the forum where it states it should be done POST WORKOUT….can you clear this up for me please, thanks 🙂


    Do it pre-workout.


    Which leads me to my next question.  Keifer said that if HIIT cannot be done first thing then PRE WORKOUT is best for women.  However I have a read a few comments on the forum where it states it should be done POST WORKOUT....can you clear this up for me please, thanks 🙂

    As far as I've heard, unless you are talking about Anabolic Cardio (for better size gains on CBL), you want to stick with fasted, AM HIIT cardio on CNS to burn out glycogen, the two days directly after your CN.Cory

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