cardio question from a rookie

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    right now I am just finishing up the prep phrase… which went great.. lost about 13 to 14 lbs but I was already pretty active and in ok shape just a little extra fat needed training schedule I am following shockwave and my goal is somewhere in between Strength accumulation and density bulking. so for five days a week I am strength training with pretty much no cardio... on the off days I play pickup basketball around lunchtime for about a hour and a half... how does this affect my carb back loading plan on those days... should I carb back load that night even though I didn't strength train ??... Did I drain my GL levels from all that running and jumping and now need carbs for the following day training? or should I follow the strength accumulation plan and not carb back load on off days????thanks


    Richard Schmitt

    right now I am just finishing up the prep phrase... which went great.. lost about 13 to 14 lbs but I was already pretty active and in ok shape just a little extra fat needed training schedule I am following shockwave and my goal is somewhere in between Strength accumulation and density bulking. so for five days a week I am strength training with pretty much no cardio... on the off days I play pickup basketball around lunchtime for about a hour and a half... how does this affect my carb back loading plan on those days... should I carb back load that night even though I didn't strength train ??... Did I drain my GL levels from all that running and jumping and now need carbs for the following day training? or should I follow the strength accumulation plan and not carb back load on off days????thanks

    If you're wanting to get rid of the last bit of fat don't do Density Bulking. Stick to Strength Accumulation. When you're doing basketball don't backload afterwards. It doesn't rate a backload. Only when you lift heavy.



    I know hoops doesn't qualify for a backboard, but does it deplete enough glycogen to hurt my lift from the day before or energy for my liftthe following day

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cardio question from a rookie

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