CBL and Stomach Flu

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    I was getting ready to start my CBL program. I did the 10 day carb fast and on day 10 (wednesday) got hit with a terrible stomach flu. Yesterday i had to keep to small meals, mostly carbs (rice cakes and applesauce) because anything heavier than that would make me pukeYesterday evening would have been my first day training and back loading carbs. Today i feel great but not ready to train again, so I'm planning on training tomorrow morning. How do you suggest i get back into the program?


    Richard Schmitt

    IF you're feeling better go ahead and train the normal time you do, like in the evenings, and start CBL. I'm sorry you got sick hope you did get better by the way.



    my gym only opens early on weekends, that is why i have to switch my training for the morning tomorrow. Or should i just wait until Monday and start training and back loading in the evenings then? im not sure what would be optimal for my loading in this case


    Richard Schmitt

    Well you can backload tonight and lift heavy tomorrow morning if you like. Since you did the full Ten Days. Correct? Then kick it back up on Monday.



    i know its not optimal, but i think you are right.. i will start like that and then continue on the normal CBL schedule starting Mondaythanks

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CBL and Stomach Flu

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