CBL diet while supplementing with X Factor advanced (Arachidonic acid – Omega 6)

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    Good Day,I have just started a course of X Factor advanced, while on the carb backloading program, and need some kind advice.  I understand the reservations on surplus Omega 6 oils in the CBL diet.Below is a extract describing the product.Will taking Arachidonic acid result negatively while on the carb backloading diet?  "Arachidonic acid is an Omega-6 essential fatty acid. It is stored in muscle cells, and released when the muscles are stimulated from intense exercise or resistance training. It acts as a core regulator of muscle protein synthesis, and is responsible for increasing cellular sensitivity to primary anabolic hormones such as testosterone, insulin, growth hormone, and IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1). Because of its central role in the process of muscle growth, arachidonic acid is the single most effective anabolic nutrient available for supplementation, capable of supporting significantly faster and more profound increases in muscle size, strength, and lipolysis (fat loss). - See more at: http://forum.predatornutrition.com/forum/supplement-reviews/x-factor-advanced-review/#sthash.URAOYTy5.dpuf"I look forward to hearing from you, I was unable to find anything in the forums related to this. 


    Brandon D Christ

    Will you even need to supplement with that?  I believe arachidonic acid is heavily present in most of the ULC foods we eat.


    Will you even need to supplement with that?  I believe arachidonic acid is heavily present in most of the ULC foods we eat.

    It is present in all of them. I don't know what you would define heavily but this gives a good list of certain sources and the amounts in it http://examine.com/supplements/Arachidonic+acid/It is about 50 bucks for a months supply so keeping in mind the amount of meat and eggs I eat I would not consider it necessary/worth it.


    Brandon D Christ

    Will you even need to supplement with that?  I believe arachidonic acid is heavily present in most of the ULC foods we eat.

    It is present in all of them. I don't know what you would define heavily but this gives a good list of certain sources and the amounts in it http://examine.com/supplements/Arachidonic+acid/It is about 50 bucks for a months supply so keeping in mind the amount of meat and eggs I eat I would not consider it necessary/worth it.

    Well that's what I mean.  I always heard the best sources of AA was meat and eggs.  I highly doubt any of us are deficient in it, which means the only way supplementing with it would be reasonable is if superdosing has some special effect.



    Thanks for the replies, I will continue supplementing with XFA and see how it goes.



    I would classify this type of “supplement” as less than useless and even possibly harmful longterm. You probably make (and liberate) tons of this inflammatory fatty acid through exercise and other stressful things. There are studies that suggest they inhibit mitochondrial respiration and can increase fat gain. Yet another reason IMO to avoid ingesting all the Polyunsaturated Fats including the omega 3s and 6s.



    Some interesting science behind supplimenting with Arachidonic Acid – http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/llewellyn2.htm

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CBL diet while supplementing with X Factor advanced (Arachidonic acid – Omega 6)

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