CBL & half marathon

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    Jarret Matta

    Had a question regarding the CBL and a half marathon that I will be competing in April (for charity and to raise money)What would be the ideal protocol for a half marathon. I know it says in the book that CBL should be used with intense and heavy weight training. However, Ill be doing slow steady cardio for 2+ hrs (something that isnt recommended) but I just needed some help as to what to do for it so here are my questions1. What should the CBL loading be the night before? Im guessing load up on plenty of carbs for this to have full glycogen stores for the race the next morning (starts at 8am)2. What should I have before and or during the half marathon in terms of food or supps?3. Should I do a CBL the rest of the day after I complete the marathon?Anyone with help or experience is greatly appreciated, Again it will be in april so I will have time to read all the posts and gather quality information. Im sure that I will have other questions, as for now this is pretty much all I have at the moment. Thank you again


    Stephen Davis

    Naomi or Kiefer would be better for this, but if you are not doing any weight training (simply long, slow runs), I would think that you would be better off doing the carb nite protocol.  As your body fat drops, you can go to 2 carb nites per week to sustain your %'s.  I would certainly have a carb nite the day before the race and eat something lite beforehand.  What you eat before would be dependent on how your body reacts to food before that kind of length run.  If I were to get back into marathon running, that is how I would handle it. 


    Jarret Matta

    Thanks for the input.I forgot to mention my current training at the moment. I am runnning cycles of Wendlers 5/3/1 (on my 2nd cycle) and the half marathon run is end of April. So basically my training principles are strength training at the moment with sled work for conditioning. I occasionally go a run every now and then but nothing too much. So with this additional information in mind other input would be greatly appreciatedThank you


    Stephen Davis

    Strength training immediately changes my answer….CBL is the way to go.  Also, I just got done reading CarbNite.  Kiefer emphatically says NO to steady state cardio while on CarbNite.  So, my first assumption/answer was incorrect.  If I were you, I would either do the SA version of CBL or just wait until post 1/2 marathon to implement it.


    Jarret Matta

    OK so basically carb back load the night beforeThe morning of the 1/2 marathon caffiene and fish oil about 1hr-30min before?After 1/2 marathon PWO carb shake & CBL after?Currently the most running steady state I dois around 3-5 miles but that is maybe every other week. The bulk of my condition comes from pushing the sled for distance, steadily increasing the overload every week and adding in additonal volume every two weeks.


    Stephen Davis

    All I can say is good luck with 13.1 miles.  Have you done one before?


    Jarret Matta

    have not, this is a charity event and im doing it to raise money. I have done a few 5k for charity the last half year. But im obviously not going to run all 13.1 at once, i do plan to take walk/rest breaks and keep at my normal pace.But is that a good plan i have: CBL night before, CBL after the race?


    Naomi Most

    have not, this is a charity event and im doing it to raise money. I have done a few 5k for charity the last half year. But im obviously not going to run all 13.1 at once, i do plan to take walk/rest breaks and keep at my normal pace.But is that a good plan i have: CBL night before, CBL after the race?

    The night before, sure, get some carbs in you.  Just don't go overboard like a lot of runners do, you'll just end up bloated.After the race, eat whatever you want, it was a marathon.  🙂

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CBL & half marathon

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