cbl meals

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    Generally i like to have cereal or white bread (sandwiches french toast ect) for my backload meals, aside from the obvious gluten  factor is this ok? this is my first meal btw i know a fattier carb source would be okay for 2nd meal (ice cream, pastry whatever)I mean some days i do eat red potatoes or rice theyre just not a preference cereal>potatoes to me anywaysare there any other great food choices for the first meal(limiting fat content) aside from rice and potatoes?



    i enjoy gluten free treats now and then.. like pancakes and waffles or sometimes cookies as they are all made from starches(very high GI).. rice chex with maple syrup will skyrocket your blood sugar.. also homemade rice pudding is great as well



    thanks!yea im a big fan of dessertsid eat nothing but those if i didnt fear having my teeth fall out :l



    Another question if I get hungry after the feeding window would a fat and protien meal be ok or would it interfere with release of gh?



    I could be wrong, but its my understanding that your backload should be the last meal, I personally wouldn't, unless for whatever reason you've backloaded well before when your going to sleep.



    I usually end my backloads with a bit of fats.  i.e. a few eggs, or some ice cream.  Never had any problems with it



    Ive backloaded just with one or two Postworkout carbs meals and all the way to bed. I recover so much better and get better sleep eating carbs for all meals up to bed time. I also make sure that backloading meals 2 and 3 have fat in them.



    I also find that the 1 or 2 meal approach where more carbs are had at each meal is beneficial, as you contain the carb eating window



    i enjoy gluten free treats now and then.. like pancakes and waffles or sometimes cookies as they are all made from starches(very high GI).. rice chex with maple syrup will skyrocket your blood sugar.. also homemade rice pudding is great as well

    x1 on the rice chex w/maple syrup and gluten free pancakes.



    I also find that the 1 or 2 meal approach where more carbs are had at each meal is beneficial, as you contain the carb eating window

    So are y'all saying you only have 1-2 meals post-workout?  Guess my question is, I thought the program was designed for a 6 hr feed.  Not saying go crazy, I usually hover around 4 hrs, but I thought it was supposed to be extended over a time and fattier meals toward bedtime.



    I also find that the 1 or 2 meal approach where more carbs are had at each meal is beneficial, as you contain the carb eating window

    So are y'all saying you only have 1-2 meals post-workout?  Guess my question is, I thought the program was designed for a 6 hr feed.  Not saying go crazy, I usually hover around 4 hrs, but I thought it was supposed to be extended over a time and fattier meals toward bedtime.

    depends on a lot of things.. like for example i backload 5 to 6 times a week i don't feel i need that long of a carb feeding window.. also depends on type of training, what time you train,  current size, your goals and so on...



    I also find that the 1 or 2 meal approach where more carbs are had at each meal is beneficial, as you contain the carb eating window

    So are y'all saying you only have 1-2 meals post-workout?  Guess my question is, I thought the program was designed for a 6 hr feed.  Not saying go crazy, I usually hover around 4 hrs, but I thought it was supposed to be extended over a time and fattier meals toward bedtime.

    depends on a lot of things.. like for example i backload 5 to 6 times a week i don't feel i need that long of a carb feeding window.. also depends on type of training, what time you train,  current size, your goals and so on...

    I backload Mon, Wed and Fri.  I train at 530 or 6 p.m., currently 188lbs, was working at SA.  Mon-Chest/TriTues-HIITWed-Back/BiThurs - HIITFriday-Legs/ShouldersSaturday-Steady State


    Richard Schmitt

    For CNS yes CBL is 2-4 hours



    For CNS yes CBL is 2-4 hours

    Thanks guys.  I pretty much stay in that window since we finish our workout about 630-700 p.m.  Now that I have increased my fat intake since it had been too low for the ULC days, we will see where that takes me.  My main question in the other post was for the BL days should you keep your fat intake according to the macro tables, If i am 188lbs around 35g fat for the first half of the day?  If so, should I still be consuming around the 140g total fat for the BL days or only on ULC days.  Thanks.  Just really trying to narrow this down for perfection.  I thought I had it there, but was advised it was too low.



    I also find that the 1 or 2 meal approach where more carbs are had at each meal is beneficial, as you contain the carb eating window

    So are y'all saying you only have 1-2 meals post-workout?  Guess my question is, I thought the program was designed for a 6 hr feed.  Not saying go crazy, I usually hover around 4 hrs, but I thought it was supposed to be extended over a time and fattier meals toward bedtime.

    I have 3. I guess it depends on how much you need to eat in that time frame and how much you can stuff in in each meal. I do about 40g protein 150g carb + fats roughly in each meal. So I need 3.

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cbl meals

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