CBL morning workouts?

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    So i've been trying to follow CBL and working out around the 2-4 usually, but recently I have to work all day on a couple of days which prevents me from working out at that time. My question is that should I be CBL'ing the night before I workout in the morning? How much should I be eating? I'm just slightly confused and trying to plan my day out better.



    Yes, but eat clean instead of junk.


    Richard Schmitt

    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.



    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.

    tapioca pearls with milk abd dex are kilaaaaa


    Richard Schmitt

    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.

    tapioca pearls with milk abd dex are kilaaaaa

    I...want...to...try...that! On my CN list for sure! What's the texture/consistency like? Is it like normal instant pudding or thicker? May be awesome to eat with cereal too



    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.

    tapioca pearls with milk abd dex are kilaaaaa

    I...want...to...try...that! On my CN list for sure! What's the texture/consistency like? Is it like normal instant pudding or thicker? May be awesome to eat with cereal too

    its kind of runny until you stir the dexrose in while its hot, then it gets thick, throw it in the fridge and it comes out like jelly, delishhhhhh man, also you can use light or heavy coconut milk/cream to cook it with, throw some passionfruit in there too and try and find a caramel sauce that is hfcs and boom your CN is one for the ages


    Richard Schmitt

    GOTCHA! Oh i have a pure glucose caramel sauce recipe too, so looks like I'll add to it 8)



    oh man, i envy you, that would be so good


    Richard Schmitt

    oh man, i envy you, that would be so good

    Not as difficult as it seems my good sir.http://dairyfreecooking.about.com/od/saucesdressings/r/caramelsauce.htmJust take some dextrose pour less than a tablespoon of molasses over it, and stir/mash up with a fork. Till it reaches the consistency of brown sugar, then use either lactose free yogurt or coconut yogurt for the rest. Comes out quite nicely.



    oh man, i envy you, that would be so good

    Not as difficult as it seems my good sir.http://dairyfreecooking.about.com/od/saucesdressings/r/caramelsauce.htmJust take some dextrose pour less than a tablespoon of molasses over it, and stir/mash up with a fork. Till it reaches the consistency of brown sugar, then use either lactose free yogurt or coconut yogurt for the rest. Comes out quite nicely.

    why thank you, shall i throw u over a quest bar in return lol


    Richard Schmitt

    oh man, i envy you, that would be so good

    Not as difficult as it seems my good sir.http://dairyfreecooking.about.com/od/saucesdressings/r/caramelsauce.htmJust take some dextrose pour less than a tablespoon of molasses over it, and stir/mash up with a fork. Till it reaches the consistency of brown sugar, then use either lactose free yogurt or coconut yogurt for the rest. Comes out quite nicely.

    why thank you, shall i throw u over a quest bar in return lol

    Most welcome, always willing to share! Hahahaha please do


    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.

    tapioca pearls with milk abd dex are kilaaaaa

    I've done this before. It's amazing.



    It's something you'll have to figure out for your self as far as the loads, now you can eat junkier stuff but keep it minimum. Clean foods like white rice or potatoes, or certain cereals and bananas are acceptable.

    tapioca pearls with milk abd dex are kilaaaaa

    I have no idea what you guys are talking about... I don't think I've ever tasted anything tapioca.



    google it, type in tapioca pearls or Sago, same thing oh so good

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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CBL morning workouts?

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