CBL or CN ?

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    joe boulware

    I am 5'7 185-190lbs. male 21% fat in a bod pod . I am on my 4th week of CN don't feel much different exept I have gotten stonger in the gym . I have been a low carber for 8 years and have no problem eating ULC/Keto . I lift weights 3-4 times a week with a little interval walk 3 / run 1 minute deal. Should I be doing CN or CBL ? or when do you switch? I have not bought CBL yet but was planning to when it is time. My goal is just to get leaner / lose fat in the only place I have it between my chest and belt. Thanks for any help



    CBL works best under 15 percent as insulin sensitivity improves as bf lowers, I would reccomend CNS until around there then switch.


    Richard Schmitt

    CBL works best under 15 percent as insulin sensitivity improves as bf lowers, I would reccomend CNS until around there then switch.




    Has someone actually done both CNS and SA between 10 and 15 percent? My guess would be that fat loss in CBL is noticably slower than with CNS..


    Richard Schmitt

    Depends on how you structure your carb intake. As well as your fats and proteins. It's possible to get lower in body fat. If anything go the low carb route of 100g a carbs a day and tweak from there. Get the benefits from CBL SA while dropping BF and adding muscle.



    So, would you go 1g/lb prot + .5g/lb fat + 100g of carbs, something like 1g/lb fat or higher prot? Do you have experience with the rate of fat loss compared to CNS?When you just take 100g of Carbs, do you need an adaption phase or just go all in? And what about the transition to a higher carb CBL nutrition?


    Richard Schmitt

    So, would you go 1g/lb prot + .5g/lb fat + 100g of carbs, something like 1g/lb fat or higher prot? Do you have experience with the rate of fat loss compared to CNS?When you just take 100g of Carbs, do you need an adaption phase or just go all in? And what about the transition to a higher carb CBL nutrition?

    It was a variation and something I have not personally tried. However, in all honesty it seems like something that might work? Don't over think it, you structure CBL to make it work for you and if CNS isn't cutting it then slowly add in backloads. It also depends on your goals too. Adaption Phase? O.o Transition to a higher carb CBL nutrition?



    I meant switching from CNS to CBL. Personally I don't feel to well making a sudden change in diet from a lower-kcal CNS to a higher kcal CBL diet. Or are there no concerns?Appreciate your input. I thought for some time about doing something like that - a low-carb lower-kcal CBL approach..



    If switching from CNS to CBL either go a full week ULC and replace your CN with a backload.

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CBL or CN ?

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