CBL & T3 – Morning Training


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  • #479510

    Travis Magierowski


    I just purchased T3 fuel and plan on ordering Carb Shock later today. To maximize my results, I was looking for some clarification on supplement and the timing.

    I just finished 3 weeks of CNS and will begin CBL once my Carb Shock and T3 arrive. I will be training at 5:00 am. Should I be taking my T3 upon awakening at 4:45am and strength train from 5:00 am to 6:00 am consuming my Post Workout Shake around 7:00 am which will include protein and carb shock?

    When would I consume my first meal?

    Beginning around 5:30 pm I would begin the carb backloading portion of the protocol.

    Any ideas or suggestions?


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CBL & T3 – Morning Training

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