CBL: The One Flaw

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    CBL is an excellent idea (I only say idea because I've just finished my 10 Day Prep Phase and am working on my meal plan).The flaw?It's not as crazy as most uninformed people would believe.  And by this I mean..The Protein, Fats and Carbs for my body weight and desired size are pretty much in line with the ISSA recommendations.  The only differences are:* type of carbs* timing of carbsEven the skipping of breakfast really is more of a waiting 2 hours after waking up and using a formula to prolong the fat burning process.I actually can't skip that meal per se given the # of protein I want to consume prior to my 4pm training.  However, it's still in the minds of most.. skipping breakfast.Pretty excited to really get cracking on this plan!My "Splurge" meals have not been formulated yet.  That will be the fun part.  I need to do some investigative shopping first.



    You'll find that it actually is quite a bit different than most diets in regards to timing. I also find that because of the timing I'm able to get away with eating a lot more than I would otherwise. Also, I don't know of really any other diet that recommends a 50/50 breakdown of protein and fat by gram.



    Timing.. absolutely!After training, yes!  My calories will be again, in-line with other recommendations.  It's the types of foods (high GI) that will be a shocker for me.I'm keeping my fats sort of in check.  Even the tables at the back have lower fat BUT that appears to be for somebody looking to lean up vs. a density bulk.No way I can eat high GI type foods "trashy" and keep that fat in check, so you are right.  The macros are different regarding protein and fats depending on your goal.Overall, it's a very intriguing program.Being open minded, I am willing to give it an honest shot and try my best to follow it to the letter.


    Being that you mentioned the tables, you should ignore them.They will be changed in a future update, but you should have you fat and protein matched by the gram during a ULC portion.General recommendation is around half your BW in protein and fat grams before you workout.Really, it's nothing like most programs.It's often times high fat, seeing as how you will large amounts of fat on an off day, and even decent amounts on a training day.Often during the last hour or so of a backload you can not worry about fat intake and have those "trashy" carbs like ice cream and it wont effect you at all.



    I am pretty excited!  So I'm keeping an open mind and willing to seek advice.Thank you for the feedback thus far.  Most appreciated as always.

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CBL: The One Flaw

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