Chaos and Pain

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    Anyone read this guy's blog? It's pretty funny and informative. Although some of his RX's fly in the face of Kiefer's methods he seems to do pretty well with it. Warning it's definitely NSFW!



    Correct, NSFW…….Started looking through and then hit a "BAD" spot, HahahaGoing to have to look at while at home for sure.


    Correct, NSFW.......Started looking through and then hit a "BAD" spot, HahahaGoing to have to look at while at home for sure.

    Spot?  You can't go half a screen without there being tits heh.  Very informative blog though.  I'm hoping to go head to head with him at a meet sometime for the biggest squat in the 181's woop woop.



    Definitely one of my favorite blogs.  I usually get several LOLs per read, but it can be very informative.  Jaime definitely walks his talk. His Predator Diet isn't really all that different from Carb-Nite, and I think his opinions on training and nutrition are usually at least worth hearing out.  I also believe's also right that eating meat on the bone is just really freakin' good for you.



    Wow, this guy is not for everyone but I found myself laughing at some stuff. His thoughts on alcohol is interesting, quite a different take I haven't seen before, just to complicate matters even more. Down the bottom of this page if you're interested:



    Definitely an interesting blog that is for sure.



    Correct, NSFW.......Started looking through and then hit a "BAD" spot, HahahaGoing to have to look at while at home for sure.

    Spot?  You can't go half a screen without there being tits heh.  Very informative blog though.  I'm hoping to go head to head with him at a meet sometime for the biggest squat in the 181's woop woop.

    He's got the number two squat with sleeves and no belt, keep that in mind. Are you going sans belt and wraps also? Jamie is awesome, great guy, love his stuff. Everyone here loves Kiefer's work, that's why we are here. There are more than 1 way to skin a cat though.



    Really dig the articles, have done the diet, have incorporated many of his ideas into my workouts. The guy is hilarious and very smart. He will inspire you to just go destroy weights in the gym. Also, you have to consider he started power lifting to fuck with people.


    Correct, NSFW.......Started looking through and then hit a "BAD" spot, HahahaGoing to have to look at while at home for sure.

    Spot?  You can't go half a screen without there being tits heh.  Very informative blog though.  I'm hoping to go head to head with him at a meet sometime for the biggest squat in the 181's woop woop.

    He's got the number two squat with sleeves and no belt, keep that in mind. Are you going sans belt and wraps also? Jamie is awesome, great guy, love his stuff. Everyone here loves Kiefer's work, that's why we are here. There are more than 1 way to skin a cat though.

    I'll go sans wraps depending on the federation and if they allow them or not - I figure if they allow them I'll use them, if not no worries.  As far as no belt - probably not as I herniated my L5/S1 back in October and while I do do plenty of beltless squatting most things above 85% or so I use it and there is no federation that doesn't allow a belt as far as I know.

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