Clarification needed re: PWO nutrition w-noon-ish training scenario

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  • #387102


    Greetings all-

    I’m utilizing the noon-ish training scenario and my question is 2 part..
    So after training I wait 1 hour then I take my PWO (25g protein/5g leucine/5g creatine)
    Now do I have to wait a additional hour before before taking in nutrients or is it WITHIN the hour after taking the PWO?

    2nd: Kiefer recommends coffee with MCT within the post training phase but would coffee and heavy cream also be viable?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Spartan.

    Robert Haas

    I finish up training at noon on sundays so I wait an hour for PWO shake, then wait a while to eat a low carb meal. By “a while” to me means when I’m hungry which isn’t very long, maybe a half hour or so. Not sure if this is technically what the book recommends but it works for me.
    Not sure about the second question since I don’t do the coffee post training thing so I’ll defer that one to someone else to answer.

    The eyes can't see what the mind doesn't understand.


    Makoto Tomizawa

    1. Lift –> water only for an hour –> PWO –> coffee with or without MCT/coconut oil for an hour –> ULC meals
    2. It’s more like if you need to get something in within that hour after ingesting your PWO shake, it should only be water, coffee, and/or MCT or coconut oil. It has to do something with saturated fats (can’t exactly remember). MCT/coconut oil is fine since it’s a different “kind” of saturated fat.

    In regards to eating after lifting, I do the same as Shadow. Except I don’t get hungry during the day all that much and will usually end up being close to two hours until I’m actually hungry to want to eat anything.

    Training Log:



    Thanks for clarifying!

    Any idea if heavy cream can be used in place of MCT oil during this post workout phase?


    Makoto Tomizawa

    As far as I know, no. MCT or coconut oil if anything.

    Training Log:



    I think Kiefer recommends the MCT instead of heavy cream in the post workout window because it is broken down quicker for energy (20-30 min) whereas cream takes 2-3 hours to be broken down.

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Clarification needed re: PWO nutrition w-noon-ish training scenario

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