Clean Eating vs IIFYM – Which Is REALLY Better?

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    really enjoyed this article figure others may as well



    I agree with this article. I'm no longer doing CNS and I'm now following IIFYM after reading Lyle McDonald's stuff. It definitely comes down to finding a 'diet' that each individual can maintain long-term. I feel so much better eating food that meets my macros and calories vs ULC and a weekly re-feed, but that's me. I just couldn't make any progress in the gym with such few carbs, now I have approx 150g every day (and on weekends if I'm out I don't even track at all but I do watch portion size) and now no longer hate life. I gave CNS a real shot – did it for just over a year – but I was too tired all the time, brain fog etc.But each to their own as the article says!


    Travis Caruana

    I gave CNS a real shot - did it for just over a year - but I was too tired all the time, brain fog etc.

    A well-formulated ketogenic diet avoids all those issues. If you were experiencing those symptoms then you were:1) Eating too many carbs2) Eating too much protein3) Not eating enough fat.Just some advice there in case you want to give it a go again in the future.



    Pretty much common sense stuff in the article however when it comes to diets it's almost like talking religion sometimes!

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Clean Eating vs IIFYM – Which Is REALLY Better?

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