clothing for strong women?

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    Brian M Eckstrom

    does anybody have suggestions of where to look for clothing for muscular girls? not massive, but broader shoulders, muscular arms, small waist? my girlfriend is trying to find a peacoat, but it seems like everything she tries on is loose and baggy at the waist and bursting in the back, arms, and shoulders.


    Jenelle Brewer

    I am sorry, I have no suggestions, but your title made me picture a woman just busting out of her clothes like the Hulk!  LOL.  Congrats to your girlfriend, and to you.  This is a great problem to have!  ๐Ÿ™‚


    A good tailor.


    Melvin McLain

    Congrats to your girlfriend, and to you.  This is a great problem to have!  ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hehe, yeah... for most women, things are tight at the other end. ๐Ÿ˜€



    A good tailor.

    Agreed. Also, I find I can doa quite neat job on my own clothes, so she may look into how easy it really is to purchase a size to fit her shoulders and then cinch up the waist herself.

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clothing for strong women?

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