CN and Prep Phase Calories

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    I'm in the same boat with the ribcage. The thing is massive but at least it lends to a big chest.

    yea im built pretty oddly in the skeleton. I think being 10percent and lower in bf "fixes" alot of the "problems"  with that.


    Richard Schmitt

    Wait wait, I must have missed the conversation but who has a “big chest”? I ask because it runs in my family…we have damn near huge chests. And no matter what I do, it stays huge



    Nvr a bad thing.


    I'm in the same boat with the ribcage. The thing is massive but at least it lends to a big chest.

    yea im built pretty oddly in the skeleton. I think being 10percent and lower in bf "fixes" alot of the "problems"  with that.

    I'm just big everywhere. I have really wide shoulders which is nice except for having to turn sidewise to walk through doors, I have a massive chest due to my rib cage, and I have these huge fuckin' hips, not only are they wide but my iliac crest (hip bone) sits really high up, it's only about 2 inches under my last floating rib.



    I'm in the same boat with the ribcage. The thing is massive but at least it lends to a big chest.

    yea im built pretty oddly in the skeleton. I think being 10percent and lower in bf "fixes" alot of the "problems"  with that.

    I'm just big everywhere. I have really wide shoulders which is nice except for having to turn sidewise to walk through doors, I have a massive chest due to my rib cage, and I have these huge fuckin' hips, not only are they wide but my iliac crest (hip bone) sits really high up, it's only about 2 inches under my last floating rib.

    Samsies on the high iliac!

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CN and Prep Phase Calories

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