CN and Prep Phase Calories

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    Just out of curiosity…Does one need to be in a caloric deficit to reap the benefits of the first backload after the prep phase or CarbNite?It is easy enough to go without carbs assuming one is eating enough protein/fat, but is it necessary to be in a deficit for the CN to work its magic?


    Richard Schmitt

    Just out of curiosity...Does one need to be in a caloric deficit to reap the benefits of the first backload after the prep phase or CarbNite?It is easy enough to go without carbs assuming one is eating enough protein/fat, but is it necessary to be in a deficit for the CN to work its magic?

    Like transitioning into CBL? No you don't have to be in a calorie deficit. With CBL you're not really in a deficit. Also with CNS it's a toss up with being in a cal deficit or not. Some of us are and some of are not. To lose fat yes you  need to be in some kind of deficit, sometimes not the case. Just do not have carbs during the week and you'll be fine.



    From listening to a couple Podcasts, #29, and the one w/ Nate Miyaki, I think deficits are encouraged. Certainly not surpluses….how severe the deficit I think is highly individual. Plus I think it could be a double edged sword cutting calories too much.Personally, I gotten good at selecting proportions that seem to work for me, and then I try staying active when I can. When I get towards the end of the week where glycogen is low, and I cant go real hard w/ weights or HIIT, and alike, I try doing alot of walking, both fasted, and later in the day.



    also, I think quality of food is a larger factor than some would think.



    I ask because I've heard various examples of active individuals having a very difficult time putting on lean body mass (or mass in general) when consuming predominantly protein/fat. It makes me curious what effects a CarbNite would have when added to this approach. Sort of like a different take on CN for building lean mass.



    Well CNS is predominantely a body fat reduction diet, that is kind to muscle mass you have currently. Although w/ a CN and  PWO nutrition is possible to get stronger while on it.It makes since that  it would be hard gaining mass on CNS. One of the goals of a keto diet is to limit insulin levels, a huge factor is growing tissues.



    I guess you could sort of liken it to density bulking but with a backload that isn't as regular. I took that approach last month and only backloaded after training my legs and back but I didn't necessarily up the calories on off days. That approach seemed to work pretty well. I suppose I'm asking if one could take a similar approach by backloading twice a week (or every five days like a modified CN) except increase calories on ULC days and still get the similar fat loss/muscle gaining benefits? Sounds like it's worth an experiment.



    I guess you could sort of liken it to density bulking but with a backload that isn't as regular. I took that approach last month and only backloaded after training my legs and back but I didn't necessarily up the calories on off days. That approach seemed to work pretty well. I suppose I'm asking if one could take a similar approach by backloading twice a week (or every five days like a modified CN) except increase calories on ULC days and still get the similar fat loss/muscle gaining benefits? Sounds like it's worth an experiment.

    hmmm honestly couldn't say, my best guess would be more of a recomp kind of thing...only one way to find out.I think if it was me i'd just keep active so everything is going where you want them too



    I guess you could sort of liken it to density bulking but with a backload that isn't as regular. I took that approach last month and only backloaded after training my legs and back but I didn't necessarily up the calories on off days. That approach seemed to work pretty well. I suppose I'm asking if one could take a similar approach by backloading twice a week (or every five days like a modified CN) except increase calories on ULC days and still get the similar fat loss/muscle gaining benefits? Sounds like it's worth an experiment.

    Hey man I gave this sort of thing a try man, I would eat about 30-40g of carbs PWO only with once a week CN and was eating my BW in fat and protein  plus PWO shake every day. It was ok I kinda felt like I was stuck between effectively losing bf and building any real muscle and my recovery kind of sucked. I feel like CBL is better for muscle building and CN for fat loss and just doing it that way is the most effective just my 2C



    For example, today I ate:-4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 250g ground beef, 2-3tbsp peanut butter, cheddar cheese-500g ground beef, mixed leafy greens, cheese-450g turkey sausage, mixed leafy greens, -2 cups almond milk, 2 scoops whey, 2tbsp almond butter, frozen spinachI ate like this today because: I want to experiment with the increased ULC calories; I felt super sore from lifting this week (got the DOMS!); and lastly because I'm a grown ass man!Regardless, I think that puts my fat over 200g, protein at probably 350g, and carbs still under 30g, much to my surprise. That's a grand total of 3000-3500 calories (at 6'0/195ish) and I could still see me abs despite the sheer volume of food. I'm curious to know how long I could keep this up with a once (or twice) weekly carb refeed.



    For example, today I ate:-4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 250g ground beef, 2-3tbsp peanut butter, cheddar cheese-500g ground beef, mixed leafy greens, cheese-450g turkey sausage, mixed leafy greens, -2 cups almond milk, 2 scoops whey, 2tbsp almond butter, frozen spinachI ate like this today because: I want to experiment with the increased ULC calories; I felt super sore from lifting this week (got the DOMS!); and lastly because I'm a grown ass man!Regardless, I think that puts my fat over 200g, protein at probably 350g, and carbs still under 30g, much to my surprise. That's a grand total of 3000-3500 calories (at 6'0/195ish) and I could still see me abs despite the sheer volume of food. I'm curious to know how long I could keep this up with a once (or twice) weekly carb refeed.

    well....try it. Just keep an eye on things.



    For example, today I ate:-4 eggs, 1 cup whites, 250g ground beef, 2-3tbsp peanut butter, cheddar cheese-500g ground beef, mixed leafy greens, cheese-450g turkey sausage, mixed leafy greens, -2 cups almond milk, 2 scoops whey, 2tbsp almond butter, frozen spinachI ate like this today because: I want to experiment with the increased ULC calories; I felt super sore from lifting this week (got the DOMS!); and lastly because I'm a grown ass man!Regardless, I think that puts my fat over 200g, protein at probably 350g, and carbs still under 30g, much to my surprise. That's a grand total of 3000-3500 calories (at 6'0/195ish) and I could still see me abs despite the sheer volume of food. I'm curious to know how long I could keep this up with a once (or twice) weekly carb refeed.

    well....try it. Just keep an eye on things.

    Agreed that sounds like a fun experiment and we are pretty much identical in stats man! I am 193 at 6'0 about 10percent BF



    Not too sure what my bf% is but if had to guess I'd say above 10% but below 15%. I have abs if I flex and they are slightly visible while not flexing. I think a lot of that has to do with my musclulature and how my ribcage developed. I have a very large, rounded chest because of my ribcage which makes it virtually impossible to develop anything other than thick, protruding abs (as opposed to flat/washboard type abs).A little off topic but interesting, nonetheless.



    Here here to large rib cages! If i do a front double bicep the fucker really spreads out. Cant wait to get lean again to let it breath lol.


    I'm in the same boat with the ribcage. The thing is massive but at least it lends to a big chest.

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CN and Prep Phase Calories

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