CNS and Building Mass

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    Curious to strategies for CNS and Building Muscle. To grow you have to surplus calories. I need 2500 just to maintain. So would be a good idea just to slam fats and protein to make the calorie limit? Im forced to early AM lifting. I do a three day split M/W/F lifts, and Tue/Thurs HIIT. Sometimes HIIT on Sat or Sun too depending on if my legs are sore or not. I have trouble even meeting maintainence calories on CNS. So Im wondering, if on the three lifting days I were to take in a high calorie Protein/Fast Carb shake to make calorie intake for gains, would that throw the diet off? I would be lifiting fasted. And the next meal would be ULC, as would all following meals until the next lifting day.


    Richard Schmitt

    Building muscle on CNS could and can happen. Have you looked at the Tubecast video about that? Having a banana in the morning PWO? I mean you could try it. A fast digesting carb like dextrose or similar would spike insulin very high keeping you from being catabolic most likely help anabolic properties. I don't think it'll throw off the diet, though this would be a complete experimental protocol for you.



    I tried viewing it but it says its private when I press play.  🙁 I just don't see any other way to meet calorie intake to build. taking the amount needed in fat and protein doesn't seem like a great idea. So i was thinking about a 40g of whey, pineapple juice and ground to powder quick oats mixed into a shake to make up the remaining calories.


    Maybe I'm missing something, but why not just do CBL?



    Information on AM CBL doesn't seem very widespread, nor does it seem to be proven as effective as standard CBL.


    Richard Schmitt

    You basically back load the evening prior. The numbers can still apply from the charts you just still need to strategically place those carbs at night. Shoot look at Arrr's log. He back loads the night prior with awesome choices and making gains

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CNS and Building Mass

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