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July 4, 2012 at 8:35 pm #2500
GD69KeymasterLadies and gentlemen,I am an explosive athlete, 21 years old 5'11" and have gone from 209-191 lbs. in 4 weeks on CNS. I was not fat in the first place, had a pretty defined six pack and all around great muscle definition. I was on Carb-backloading but like a lot of us, did not optimize it correctly, too little fat during ULC, back-loading on off-days....Yet I still lost fat and gained a ton of muscle. I will go back to CBL SA in about 5 weeks but I am sort-of "resetting" the baseline from which to gain muscle the "right way" from. I have veins in my lower abs now which is pretty fucking awesome. I lift one day a week and play and/or practice my sport every other day of the week. I have lost some strength on squats and upper body but not drastically, and strength in those ROM's is not that important for my sport. Diet:-Coffee w/ heavy cream.-4 grass-fed organic eggs, 5 slices bacon, sprinkled cheese all cooked in coconut oil.-Pound of beef or steak cooked in butter.-Scoop of Blend H w/ a bit of heavy cream (Not optimal because of the fast w/ slow digesting liquids but I am an athlete and need more protein than most practicing and/or playing 6+ hours/day)Observations: During traveling I pack steak but have to eat other "OK" low carb foods such as packaged jerky, nuts, diet soda, lunch meat and cheese and hotel breakfast food. It's an intestinal nightmare and I feel like garbage. My progress slows down and even though I had bacon, eggs and sausage from the hotel, it was such low quality (even though it was similar to what I eat at home) my body knew the difference. But hey it's better than McD's for breakfast, pizza for lunch and Jack in the Box mixed with some beers and pot-smoking at night like all the other players. Kiefer knows what he is talking about regarding all that. I have obscene amounts of energy all day, have gotten more explosive and can hit the ball farther with the weight loss and the low carbs! You don't need carbs to be explosive!I do my Carb Nite after my once a week lift. It barely effects me because I don't fuck around with worrying about whether I'm at my "count" and because I am so "strict" (even though it's not hard) during the week. This past Monday's Carb Nite:-2 cereal bars-Chipotle burrito -In and Out burger and fries -9 pastries from Panera -Whole box of cereal-Then 1 cookie haha-Severe onset of full body cramps, elevated heart rate, sweating, and dry mouth.-Wake up the next day looking great.Comments, questions, conversations, critiques appreciated!
July 4, 2012 at 8:40 pm #60625
maxwkwMemberThe only thing I can say about the cramping is, make sure you drink plenty of water during your carb nite. Also, maybe get in some creatine an electrolytes. It may help.
July 4, 2012 at 9:39 pm #60626
thestiffmeisterParticipantI get ya. I seriously feel awful if I low-carb for 4-5 days in a row, then just rampage on 1000+ carbs like a fat woman who just got dumped, in less than 2 hours. I sweat like a slave, my mouth turns to sand and I get nasty digestive issues. I wake up super vascular/pumped, yet feel horrible lol I find it's much more satisfying than a normal back-load that leaves me wanting more right after I'm done eating, and also the next day. My sweet spot is probably around 500 g of carbs or a bit more, which is kind of depressing because it takes me a few minutes to eat
July 4, 2012 at 9:52 pm #60627
nickl413MemberCongrats on the fine results. What would you estimate your before and after BF% at?
July 5, 2012 at 5:19 pm #60628
GD69GuestThanks. I'm not sure about my body fat % because I have very good abdominals but not that “veiny” look in my arms and chest. Maybe somebody could comment on that. Is it just genetics? Thin skin? Some guys have terrible abs but pretty cut-up arms and I'm just the opposite so it makes me hesitant to estimate. I'll get some progress pictures in a few weeks.And yes, I agree I need to drink more water. Often time I am so full on carbs that its literally hard to fit anything down haha. I can crush about 500 carbs in no time. Do you just recommend Gatorade or something like that? Do you guys have any favorite drinks to help wash down food on your Carb Nites? I just hate drinking sugary soda at any time. I usually just stick to Coke Zero or something like that. Also, do you guys have trouble dealing with that very flat look a lot of the time during the week? Like you look better than most of the population but not what you would look like after an optimal Back-load?
July 9, 2012 at 4:51 pm #60629
bbuchanMemberI am very similar to you, I'm 6'3″ and 206lbs and 11% bodyfat right now. I also have veins in my abs and shed bodyfat from my core much faster than in my back, legs or arms. I can clearly see my six pack, obliques, serratus ect even though I am still above 10% BF. My arms only have slight vascularity in my biceps and shoulders and at times not at all depending on how much water I am carrying. So it seems like out bodies respond similarly to dieting and fat loss. I usually pound the water on carb night to avoid those cramps. its hard to get the water down but I just do it. I usually only get about 600g of carbs on carb night though, seems like you went way over that! And ya, your gonna look flat during the week, its unavoidable. When your muscles are fully depleted from glycogen your always gonna look flat compared to when they are full. After carb night your always gonna look bigger than during the week.
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