CNS is just pure magic(I mean science ;) )

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    I gotta give mad props to CNS.  I come belong to the CBL crowd myself, but when I decided to take a break and redo the orientation phase, I figured I might as well give CNS a shot and see what it was all about.  After a month of CNS, I'm pretty damn impressed with its effects.  Fat melted off, I practically shed all water weight, and I actually got STRONGER in the gym!  I was not expecting that last part.  My favorite part of CNS is the 2-3 days following carb night when you seem to just lean out like nobody's business lol.  I'm back on CBL SA now, and who knows, it might yield even greater results moving forward thanks to that one month of CNS.     



    Great to hear it PJ!


    Richard Schmitt


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CNS is just pure magic(I mean science ;) )

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