CNS Noob

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    I started training around six months ago and have lost a LOT of body fat. I went from a 6' 205 lbs flabby guy with around 35-40% BF to being a 180 lbs with around 20-25% BF. Now I want to get rid of the rest of the extra fat that's hiding the muscles I've been working so hard to acquire. Hoping to get down to single-digit and trying Carb Nite Solution to get there. Also have my wife jumping on board with me! When all is said and done, I just want to be healthier, fitter, and …well, honestly sexier. I'm sure my wife won't mind me having a six pack instead of a beer belly.



    Good luck!



    Enjoying a restful holiday weekend and then starting CNS.I've been DYING to start CNS the past couple weeks but I'm dragging my wife along and wanted to make sure she was really on board. We're going to the beach for the long holiday weekend and she didn't want to have to "worry about a new diet" while out of our normal world. Makes sense, I suppose, but I know that she really just wants to be able to eat and drink all weekend instead of just one day.  ::)My wife and I both like doing HIIT cardio so we were planning on only doing a 7 or 8 day prep phase since we'll do HIIT the first 3 or so days of going ULC. We want our first carb nite to be on a Friday, so we'll be starting ULC on Thursday the 23rd (first CN on Friday 31st). Does this sound like a good plan? Kiefer said in CNS that you can shorten the prep phase with cardio but never specifies how much cardio to do to make sure the carb reserves are depleted. Should I do HIIT Thursday-Saturday? Is it ok to do an extra day or to just to make sure the carbs are all out of the system? How many days of HIIT would be too many with no carbs, causing muscle damage? Any suggestions?



    I would not shorten the prep phase, it's best to get the full 9.5 days. That was you are guaranteed to be using fat for fuel. This considering you stay under 30g of usable carbs a day.



    I would not shorten the prep phase, it's best to get the full 9.5 days. That was you are guaranteed to be using fat for fuel. This considering you stay under 30g of usable carbs a day.

    Kiefer said in CNS you can actually shorten the reorientation to 5.5 days. I was only hoping to shorten it to 7.5! Honestly, I agree with you about playing it safe and going the full 9, but I don't know if I can sell my wife on it. The first week of going ULC will, I'm sure, be one of the hardest anyway and since she loves doing cardio and HIIT, I thought it made sense to shorten the first phase b/c otherwise there could be muscle damage from the cardio. If I can get my wife on board to go the whole 9 days, I will, but if she'll only do CNS with me based on never having to go more than a week carb-free... I could at least use some advice as to the best way to make SURE that the carb depletion is done right.


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