CNS or CBL without a gym?

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    Russell Fulks

    Hello all,First I must say I'm really impressed by the amount of knowledge here.  I've just recently been made aware of Kiefer's work and am trying to figure out if it's something that can work for me.  I was hoping you guys could help me figure it out?My problem is time.  I am a father of an 8yr old and 5yr old and typically have a 1hr commute to / from work each day.  That means that I wake up at 5am, get home at 6pm and don't get any free time until 8:30pm.  No time to actually go to a gym and work out.  So, what I'm wondering, is if CNS or CBL (or some modified form of both) could work for me if I can only work out at home with body-weight exercises.  I don't have a home gym or any place to put one right now so I'm stuck working out with what God gave me 🙂  Speaking of which, I'm 6'1" 216lbs 33yrs old and would guesstimate about 20-25% body fat though I honestly have no idea.  I'm definitely not muscular like you guys but I'm not Chris Farley either.  I can upload a pic later if it helps any.I'd like to cut the body fat down and add some muscle mass, but honestly, there's no way I could maintain the type of physique that you guys have so I'm just looking to add a little bit of muscle that I can maintain.Is it possible to get "fit" with such time constraints utilizing some form of CNS or CBL protocol and working out at home?  I'd really like to get to some sort of maintainable lifestyle balance of exercise and diet, not just lose fat for 2 months on a plan that I cannot sustain long term.Thanks for your help guys / galsRussell


    Brandon D Christ

    Kiefer (to my knowledge) isn't a Ph.D yet, but Carb Nite actually doesn't require exercise at all, though it is reccomended for the best results.  CBL requires heavy weights, so that means that bodyweight exercises are out.I would have reccomended Carb Nite for you anyway though judging by your stats.  With Carb Nite and some exercise you could certainly get in good shape.  I would say 20 - 30 min of exercise three times a week would be enough.  For even better results, consider buying a dumbell set at a sporting goods store so you have more options.  Also walking is good too if you can do that.


    Russell Fulks

    ibobland08,Thanks for the reply.  I was thinking that was the case (but hoping it wasn't 🙂 )  My only concern is what to do longer term as I think I read that CNS really isn't meant to be more than a 6 month program, and there's really not much chance that I could stick to a CNS type diet long term.My wife and I have been doing insanity workouts prior to reading about CBL and keeping caloric intake (for me) at about 1500-1800 calories a day.  Since I've found out about CBL I'm still keeping calories the same, but just eating carbs at night after my insanity workout.  I'm sure the Insanity workout is counter productive, but I just don't know what other exercises to do in the meantime.  I need to purchase and read the CNS book so that I can implement it correctly, at least for some amount of time, and then figure out what to do long term.



    I would go with Carb Nite, read the book if you haven't already.  You add additional carb nites as you get closer to your goal.  Or at least that's how I read it.  A possible solution, at least to begin with, is Turbulence Training body weight exercises. Just do a'll find 'em.  Do that like twice a week to start and go from there.Good Luck!!


    Brandon D Christ

    ibobland08,Thanks for the reply.  I was thinking that was the case (but hoping it wasn't 🙂 )  My only concern is what to do longer term as I think I read that CNS really isn't meant to be more than a 6 month program, and there's really not much chance that I could stick to a CNS type diet long term.My wife and I have been doing insanity workouts prior to reading about CBL and keeping caloric intake (for me) at about 1500-1800 calories a day.  Since I've found out about CBL I'm still keeping calories the same, but just eating carbs at night after my insanity workout.  I'm sure the Insanity workout is counter productive, but I just don't know what other exercises to do in the meantime.  I need to purchase and read the CNS book so that I can implement it correctly, at least for some amount of time, and then figure out what to do long term.

    Oh boy things are gonna change my friend!  Carb Nite has the capability to destroy fat cells, meaning that once this weight is off, it is actually really difficult for it to come back on.  As for a maintenance diet, Carb Backloading with modest backloads would be a good maintance diet. 


    Russell Fulks

    I will definitely be reading carb nite.  It sounds about how I had it in my head, increase your “carb nites” as you reach your goal until you are at the point where you are eating a proper balance of macros on a daily basis to meet your daily energy requirements (i.e. carb backloading such that your backload hits your required daily macros).Thanks for the heads up on the turbulunce training.  It seems similar to the Insanity workouts that we're doing, except that the strength training is kept isolated from the cardio (interval training).  A lot of the exercises are similar between the 2, but with the Insanity workout there's obviously a lot more cardio (which I am understanding is not necessarily a good thing).  I think I can handle 40-50 minutes a day 3 days a week as a long term workout goal.I am headed back to the US for a couple weeks vacation, but when I return I think I'll be starting the CNS method and perhaps sprinkling in a day or 2 of turbulence training.I'll be sure to let everyone know how it's going (really more for me to be accountable, I'm sure you all have plenty of other stuff to worry about than my progress 🙂 )Thanks and I'm sure I'll be back with more CNS questions after I read the book!Russell


    Brandon D Christ

    I will definitely be reading carb nite.  It sounds about how I had it in my head, increase your "carb nites" as you reach your goal until you are at the point where you are eating a proper balance of macros on a daily basis to meet your daily energy requirements (i.e. carb backloading such that your backload hits your required daily macros).

    Eh no, you only have one Carb Nite a week when you are on the diet.  Once you get under 10% bodyfat (which from my understanding you aren't really interested in doing so) then you have two Carb Nites a week.  However you literally are allowed to eat as much as you want when comes to ULC, you should not be hungry all the time.  My suggestion is go on Carb Nite until you reach your goal, then backload carbs.  Kiefer hasn't really addressed a maintanence diet, but I would imagine it would look like:1.  Skip breakfast (something you should do on Carb Nite even though it isn't in the book)2.  Have a large ULC lunch3.  Have a normal dinner with carbs and maybe a dessert.4.  Maybe a night time snack


    Russell Fulks

    Interesting, I definitely misunderstood.  I need to just go ahead and purchase the ebook and start reading.  I'd like to get to 6% BF, but honestly doubt I'll have the time or dilligence to maintain that so in reality I'm targeting 10% BF.  I looked at several BF calculators and I range from 12% to 30%.  Based on that and on some really cool websites with pictures of people who had bodpod measured BF%, I'd say I'm at about 18-20% BF.I thought for a maintenance plan I would do basically what you're describing and make sure that my caloric intake and macros are in line with what my body needs to maintain at that level.  Then if I feel adventurous and buy a home gym or something I can begin to do CBL to add muscle mass while maintaining my body fat level.

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CNS or CBL without a gym?

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