CNS: timing re-feeds with shift work

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    Chelsea Prather

    I occasionally work a 19:00-07:00 shift, and I am wondering if it would be more beneficial to have a re-feed on a day when my sleep was adequate vs. a day when I am short on sleep d/t a nightshift.  I know that shiftwork pretty much screws up an abundance of factors for fat loss, but I am attempting to optimize my re-feeds.I searched this question, but didn't come up with anything...  I was curious to get people's thoughts on when to do my re-feed, considering how screwed up the body can be with cortisol, etc., after a nightshift.Thank you!


    Richard Schmitt

    When do you train those days?


    Chelsea Prather

    My rule of thumb is not to train if I haven't slept at least 6 hours.  I don't train too hard on a CN, as I feel more depleted by then.  I do HIIT and heavier training on the first two days after CN and taper down for the next several days depending on sleep/stress, etc.

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CNS: timing re-feeds with shift work

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