Cns to CBL because of athletics

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    I am currently in training (lift 5 to 6 days a week, condition 3, events 2 I am a thrower in collegiate track) and have had amazing success with cns and I love the results. I am just wondering if it would be advantageous performance wise to switch to cbl once the meets start. Or, should I just add another carb nite in during the week. I want max fat loss because when I am lighter I tend to be quicker, and not to brag but strength really isn't an issue. Suggestions appreciated


    Damon Amato

    adding a carb nite during the week is a fine idea.  Best timing would be to have carbs the night before a meet.



    I am currently in training (lift 5 to 6 days a week, condition 3, events 2 I am a thrower in collegiate track) and have had amazing success with cns and I love the results. I am just wondering if it would be advantageous performance wise to switch to cbl once the meets start. Or, should I just add another carb nite in during the week. I want max fat loss because when I am lighter I tend to be quicker, and not to brag but strength really isn't an issue. Suggestions appreciated

    There should be a big difference in recovery if you back load 4-6 days a week versus one day.



    Yeah I just feel overall recovery might be a little better, and I would be able to perform at a bit of a higher level. If things keep up the way they have on cns I would think I would even be in the correct bf% for back loading by then I am just trying to think ahead

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Cns to CBL because of athletics

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