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    230 lbs male 30 years old 5'11″20-23% body fatwhat would work best to trim fat?I am hitting the gym 5-7 nights a week for about 2 hours a night lifting heavyI am currently doing CNS but it is hard to stay under 30g of carbs in a day when in just my pre and post workout shakes I have 9-10g of cabs alone, leaving me only 20g of carbs for lunch and dinner.I am looking to shred the fat as efficiently as possible and stay in the gym as much as I can.Thanks for the help.


    Richard Schmitt

    If you're wanting to trim the fat, stay on CNS. Besides you should be striving to have carbs in the ULC meals anyways. You might want to lower the time spent in the gym, 2 hours? Are you a powerlifter or going into some competition? If no…then why? CNS wouldn't be great in that direction, you could trim fat with CBL just lower the carbs during the week and have a bigger carb meal once a week since you are hitting the gym 7x a week,



    The reason I spend so much time at the gyms is because I have a constant workout buddy and our sets take a decent amount of time (12,10,8,6) and we have about 6-8 workouts we do each day. But no I'm not doing power lifting or any competitions.  And I do have a few carbs throughout the day but I am hitting about 12-15g in shakes alone so staying under 30g is getting to be really hard.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah ok, well you know you count usable carbs correct? The amount of carbs subtracted by fiber is the usable count? By sticking to green veggies you'll be good to go if you want to have a variation to your meat meals.



    Yeah I'm counting net carbs



    What Tex said, you want to lower your BF the quickest way would be CNS. Don't let your confirmation bias discount his sound advice.If you want to continue to train 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week possibly look at doing 2 CN's a week once you stray from that you are no longer doing CNS. What are you eating in your other meals that is bumping up your carbs? You know you are supposed to be trying to stay under 10 grams of carbs per meal right? So I could eat 1 bunch of spinach (which would be a crap load of spinach) + ground beef and cheese and still be under 10g's  per meal. If you really don't want to go ULC 5-6 days a week then don't go do CBL, but your results will differ.



    10g of carbs per meal is not hard, the issue is that I take in 15g of carbs with just my pre & post workout Protein, that only leaves me 5g of carbs per meal.



    I would definitely use up those proteins up and get you a cleaner source! What pre/post do you use?




    Even though optimum is a quality product I would say you could opt for a better source after you use that up. Some sources that don't have Ace K or a lot of bulk sweeteners are Muscle Feast whey isolate, About Time protein, true nutritions cold filtration whey isolate- you can get this in just regular chocolate with stevia. Also a lot of guys I have read on the forums like ISO 100 by Dymatize.'s a link to true nutritions protein.



    Even though optimum is a quality product I would say you could opt for a better source after you use that up. Some sources that don't have Ace K or a lot of bulk sweeteners are Muscle Feast whey isolate, About Time protein, true nutritions cold filtration whey isolate- you can get this in just regular chocolate with stevia. Also a lot of guys I have read on the forums like ISO 100 by Dymatize.'s a link to true nutritions protein.

    Holy Shit the options with that protein are blowing my mind I don't even know where to start lol.



    Yeah just be careful, a lot of their flavors in fact I think a majority of them have malodextrin added in, but probably not enough to make a difference. I would just stick to the three basic flavors and have it sweetened with stevia and you can email them and have it made extra sweet which is a nice option.


    Yeah just be careful, a lot of their flavors in fact I think a majority of them have malodextrin added in, but probably not enough to make a difference. I would just stick to the three basic flavors and have it sweetened with stevia and you can email them and have it made extra sweet which is a nice option.

    It will never have enough malto to worry about unless you are aiming to reach 30g on a daily bases.



    Yeah just be careful, a lot of their flavors in fact I think a majority of them have malodextrin added in, but probably not enough to make a difference. I would just stick to the three basic flavors and have it sweetened with stevia and you can email them and have it made extra sweet which is a nice option.

    It will never have enough malto to worry about unless you are aiming to reach 30g on a daily bases.

    Yeah that's what I figured but some do tend to avoid all of that.

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