Hey,I've been taking coconut oil with my coffee and cream in the morning but just heard Keifer saying that he only recommends this to people doing cardio in the morning as the trygliserides produce ketones which unused cause an insulin spike. Did I hear this correctly? Should I not take the coconut oil till later, before my workout? Also, will the carb backloading work without the reorientation period?
Thanks for the swift response. I haven't been able to buy the book as I don't own a computer, but thanks to Keifer he makes all this information available and the forum really helps. Every time I gain access to a computer I obsess over his articles and pod casts. Sometimes I just need to fill in the blanks. Started orientation phase properly today and will be sure to keep y'all updated on my progress.
Oh by the way, I do own carb nite solution I'm not a complete leach. Keifers knowledge is worth every penny, just release it in a book, you pube lol. 😉