Combining (and Timing) Supplements

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    hello everyonefirst off, i really hope that those questions haven't already been asked.i searched the forum for any answers, but just couldn't find anything question mainly is about combining certain supplements, but also about the "perfect" timing.i'm currently using the cns and supplement with fishoil, a multivitamin, fiber, creatin and magnesiumnormally i'm combining multivitamin with fiber in my first meal after coffee in the morning, followed by half the amount of fishoil (about 2,5g epa/dha) needed for the day with my next (the other 2,5g are the last thing i consume before bed).somewhere in between my first and my last meal would be 5g of creatin and the magnesium is just for pwo.i'm not quite sure if, for example, combining multivitamins and fiber (for whatever reason that could be, i'm not really that well educated in nutrition), or combining creatin with fish oil is such a good idea and was hoping, if any of you guys could help me out with that.thanks in advance



    where the experts at


    It doesn't matter all that much.Have the multi and fiber with food, same with fish oil. Creatine would be in the PWO shake or with food. Magnesium is best before food.



    alright, thank you 🙂

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Combining (and Timing) Supplements

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