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  • #6150


    ok so I am confused about sweeteners. What is acceptable and what isn't? Stevia in the Raw (powdered form)? Splenda mini tablets? Truvia? What am I looking to AVOID on the label? Which is the best?thanks for all your help!


    Richard Schmitt

    Hate to answer a question with a question, but have you listened to any podcasts or searched the forums?Can't say you have because it has been discussed. Also I've mentioned quite a few times. Ace-K can stall progress, I've yet to seen it happen. Aspartame causes headaches and can stall progress. Splenda is mass quanties will spike insulin and stall progress. Stevia, depending on brand can stall progress, the two I use don't. Truvia, Erythitol does nothing to blood sugars. Sucralose is fine.

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