Construction worker (CBL or CN) Help?

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    I will be starting my summer job sometime in May once I get home from college. I previously started CBL in November doing the program up until March, having great success with gaining muscle mass and strength. Mid March I switched to a modified version of CN to shed some extra love handle flab and to get my abs to pop out a little more. I have my carb nights which are fairly clean, twice a week (Wednesday and Sunday) the days before my back and leg workouts. Having worked the construction job last summer, from 7am to 3pm I am either mowing, using a sledge hammer, digging holes, picking up boards, bricks, left over roofing, etc.. it can be a very strenuous job. Given the amount of labor I do during the day I was wondering what some suggestions would be in modifying either CBL or CN to where I would have enough energy throughout the day to work in 90+ degree weather and also continue to burn more fat and gain muscle while still being able to go to the gym afterwards and have a successful workout without crashing from lack of energy/food in the first ULC half of the day. Sorry for sounding so picky, I would just rather have somewhat of an idea on what to do before I possibly screw up everything I have worked for after being dedicated to school and lifting over the past 9 months. Thanks!



    From past construction experience, and my limited but growing knowledge of CN and CBL, I would say definitly do CBL and up your calories all around or your weight and mass will fade fast.



    Yea thats what I was thinking, thanks for the input!

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Construction worker (CBL or CN) Help?

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