Couple questions about CBL

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    I have just started CBL about a week ago. So far i love it and it is working wonders for me. Naturally, there is a learning curve and i am adjusting the diet and timing to what my body needs. I am currently reading the book and this is answering a lot of my questions that I had, but i have two that maybe the book does not directly answer to my understanding or I have not gathered the answers yet. If it is the latter I do apologize for my ignorancr and greatly appreciate this communities help with it!Firstly, i am only about 8-9% bodyfat at 175 so I am not so much trying to burn fat as build more (lean) muscle. I know Kiefer talks some about bcaas and mostly leucine for postworkout if you have to workout in the a.m. And i have also read bcaas is ok right before training. From my understanding since bcaas spike insulin it is not recommended to take them all day, but as I am mainly trying to get muscle gains, is it beneficial for me to take some bcaas at any point in the day besides around my workout times?Secondly, before going to bed and doing a shake and the actually backloading, is it beneficial to eat cottage cheese and drink milk? I do the rest of the shakes in water of course since milk does have a decent amount of carbs from the sugar, but what I am thinking is that the sugar is perfect for backloading and the slower digesting peoteins would feed my body further into the night with the cake or cookies or whatever junk i eat prior to bed.I may be off base on some of my thoughts/current protocol for CBL'ing and that isnwhy I am here... To learn.Furthermore, i am very open minded to all suggestions and advice that will help me towards my goald and i thsnk you all in advance. I look forward to learning alongside you all in the future!Ryan L


    Craig jones

    Yeah I would stay away from the amino's until post workout. Leucine will spike insulin. As far as the milk goes, just mess around with it a bit and see what works for you. Some do some don't. It may actually help with your appetite.



    Well, never occured to me that I can backload my prot shakes with milk, lol!Gonna play around with it on my Carb Nite;]



    Fantastic thank you guys. Ok a couple more… So Keifer says u can do carb powder during workout since ur body wont store fat. I actually do it immediately pre with the bcaas too. But what if i workout in the morning? He doesn't suggest dextrose post if you workout in the morning so I should steer clear of all carbs in morning even carb powders during or is that ok? Again i am trying to build muscle more than burn fat.I know we take multivitamin just to cover us if we don't get all the stuff we need from food and in the evening and during the day i'm sure we do on this diet. Whst about in the morning, would it be beneficial to take a multi and/or fish oils. Or since you wouldn't have food in your stomach would it be impossible to even out any of that multi to use since it needs food to digest?


    Craig jones

    Don't ingest your carbs or amino's before the work out. Do it about 15 -20 mins in to the workout or at least that the recommendation. Even then I personally would only do that if I needed them. Like feeling weak or sluggish.usually leg day for most people.If you train in the morning just have maybe 20-40g dextrose post workout and then go ulc.Your backloads also should be done the evening before a morning training session.I usually have my vits with my first meal. Apparently absorbed better with food. Plus some have fillers like dextrose.



    I have just started CBL about a week ago. So far i love it and it is working wonders for me. Naturally, there is a learning curve and i am adjusting the diet and timing to what my body needs. I am currently reading the book and this is answering a lot of my questions that I had, but i have two that maybe the book does not directly answer to my understanding or I have not gathered the answers yet. If it is the latter I do apologize for my ignorancr and greatly appreciate this communities help with it!Firstly, i am only about 8-9% bodyfat at 175 so I am not so much trying to burn fat as build more (lean) muscle. I know Kiefer talks some about bcaas and mostly leucine for postworkout if you have to workout in the a.m. And i have also read bcaas is ok right before training. From my understanding since bcaas spike insulin it is not recommended to take them all day, but as I am mainly trying to get muscle gains, is it beneficial for me to take some bcaas at any point in the day besides around my workout times?Secondly, before going to bed and doing a shake and the actually backloading, is it beneficial to eat cottage cheese and drink milk? I do the rest of the shakes in water of course since milk does have a decent amount of carbs from the sugar, but what I am thinking is that the sugar is perfect for backloading and the slower digesting peoteins would feed my body further into the night with the cake or cookies or whatever junk i eat prior to bed.I may be off base on some of my thoughts/current protocol for CBL'ing and that isnwhy I am here... To learn.Furthermore, i am very open minded to all suggestions and advice that will help me towards my goald and i thsnk you all in advance. I look forward to learning alongside you all in the future!Ryan L

    Dairy or milk based protein (casein) is acceptable, just don't eat slow digesting carbs and your okay.



    Yes sir i worked out in the afternoon yesterday then backloaded that night (which like you said set me up for this morning). I went just on caffeine and did carb powder and bcaad during. Empty stomache and I was amazed at how strong and heavy i was able to go. Ok thats what I was thinking on the vits, hit with first meal. Anc yes i do high glycemic junk at bedtime to restore glycogen and recover quick and glad the slow lactose proteins are ok.Thanks guys!

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Couple questions about CBL

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