Critique my routine svp

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    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks



    It looks decent. I'd hesitate to use a full scoop of the casein in your post workout shake simply for mixing purposes. That stuff is THICK. Run it for a bit and see how it goes



    yeah I need 1 liter of water to get it down


    Tanner Fox

    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks

    That doesnt look like enough protein in the ULC part of the day.  I say this because during your backload you don't list much in there either.  Can you fit in another meal around 10am?  Kiefer suggests going around 12 hours between you last meal at night and your first meal the next day.  From what you list you must get done eating around 7 or 8 and if your next meal is at noon the next day that is roughly 16 hours.  This may help in some cases with fat loss, but not if you're looking to put on mass.  Also, as far as your PWO shake I would switch it to some hydrolysates (like DH Blend H) and leucine.  This will spike your insulin without any carbs and should clear out any left over ketones you have laying around.  Having left over ketones in the bloodstream and skyrocketing insulin with sugar can really mess with hour appetite.  I had this same problem with lack of appetite PWO and Kiefer suggested this to me, as soon as I tried it I noticed a difference and was able to really pack away the carbs for the backload.



    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks

    That doesnt look like enough protein in the ULC part of the day.  I say this because during your backload you don't list much in there either.  Can you fit in another meal around 10am?  Kiefer suggests going around 12 hours between you last meal at night and your first meal the next day.  From what you list you must get done eating around 7 or 8 and if your next meal is at noon the next day that is roughly 16 hours.  This may help in some cases with fat loss, but not if you're looking to put on mass.  Also, as far as your PWO shake I would switch it to some hydrolysates (like DH Blend H) and leucine.  This will spike your insulin without any carbs and should clear out any left over ketones you have laying around.  Having left over ketones in the bloodstream and skyrocketing insulin with sugar can really mess with hour appetite.  I had this same problem with lack of appetite PWO and Kiefer suggested this to me, as soon as I tried it I noticed a difference and was able to really pack away the carbs for the backload.

    Your right, I finish my main meal between then, I still snack on carbs till 10:00-10:30 (hope thats not a prob)I can easily fit another meal at 10am, you think another pack of bacon and a couple eggs would do the trick?And about the PWO shake, I read about your ketone prob and cutting the carbs made a difference. I'd like to incorporate hydrolysates and leucine but I'm in Guatemala at the moment and those products couldn't be found  :/  any other options?  I made a quick search but found nothing.  Thanks Tanner



    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks

    That doesnt look like enough protein in the ULC part of the day.  I say this because during your backload you don't list much in there either.  Can you fit in another meal around 10am?  Kiefer suggests going around 12 hours between you last meal at night and your first meal the next day.  From what you list you must get done eating around 7 or 8 and if your next meal is at noon the next day that is roughly 16 hours.  This may help in some cases with fat loss, but not if you're looking to put on mass.  Also, as far as your PWO shake I would switch it to some hydrolysates (like DH Blend H) and leucine.  This will spike your insulin without any carbs and should clear out any left over ketones you have laying around.  Having left over ketones in the bloodstream and skyrocketing insulin with sugar can really mess with hour appetite.  I had this same problem with lack of appetite PWO and Kiefer suggested this to me, as soon as I tried it I noticed a difference and was able to really pack away the carbs for the backload.

    Tanner, I noticed your point about breaking the fast at 12 hours. Would coffee and 1tbs coconut oil not constitute that? I thought Keifer said that would be fine.


    Craig jones

    If your main goal is ultimately just to lose fat that is fine but if trying to build some lean mass at the same time then id sy break the fast with a meal. Still have mct with that meal though.Having coffee and mct on waking regardless of how long you fasted will not affect fat burning either and will help with chaperone mediated autophogy but it will shut off macro mediated autophogy.


    Tanner Fox

    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks

    That doesnt look like enough protein in the ULC part of the day.  I say this because during your backload you don't list much in there either.  Can you fit in another meal around 10am?  Kiefer suggests going around 12 hours between you last meal at night and your first meal the next day.  From what you list you must get done eating around 7 or 8 and if your next meal is at noon the next day that is roughly 16 hours.  This may help in some cases with fat loss, but not if you're looking to put on mass.  Also, as far as your PWO shake I would switch it to some hydrolysates (like DH Blend H) and leucine.  This will spike your insulin without any carbs and should clear out any left over ketones you have laying around.  Having left over ketones in the bloodstream and skyrocketing insulin with sugar can really mess with hour appetite.  I had this same problem with lack of appetite PWO and Kiefer suggested this to me, as soon as I tried it I noticed a difference and was able to really pack away the carbs for the backload.

    Your right, I finish my main meal between then, I still snack on carbs till 10:00-10:30 (hope thats not a prob)I can easily fit another meal at 10am, you think another pack of bacon and a couple eggs would do the trick?And about the PWO shake, I read about your ketone prob and cutting the carbs made a difference. I'd like to incorporate hydrolysates and leucine but I'm in Guatemala at the moment and those products couldn't be found  :/  any other options?  I made a quick search but found nothing.  Thanks Tanner

    I'm not aware of any others that spike insulin without carbs.  You could tryintroducing a SMALL amount of carbs to spike insulin and evaluate how your appetite is an hour or so later.  One thing I have done is included one ripe banana with my PWO shake, go shower, and after I will begin the carb load.Although I agree bacon is great, for the 10am meal I would go with some fatty cut of meat other than bacon, just to switch it up.  Grass fed beef would be ideal but if you can't get that then regular beef or a fatty cut of steak should do just fine. I have found the ground beef is sometimes hard to get down so a couple over easy eggs on top really helps the meal go down.


    Tanner Fox

    Hey people, just started my carb loading phase and wanting some feed back on my routine.  A little info about me, I'm 6 feet, 170Ibls, not sure what my BF is, but it's low.  I want to put 20Ibls of meat on.  This is my day:Wake up round 8 have a coffee w coconut milk, 250mg caffeine12:00-  200g of bacon, 3 eggs (fried in bacon fat;), half avocado, 2 roma tomatoes, half cup broccoli and some cheese2:30- some plain yogurt (low carb), a coffee4:00- workout about 1.5 hours.  4 different routines Chest&traps day1, Back day2, Arms&Shoulders day3 and Leg day4.  I workout 6 days a week going through that cycle, so 3 times the muscle in 2 weeks.  I do 3 sets, 8-6-4 reps.6:00- post shake consisting of 1 scoop nitro tech, 1 scoop gold standard casein, 5 grams creatine, I don't have carbs yet cause I lose my appetite.  This is also when I take my vitamins, 2 tabs megamen sport GNC and my fish oils.6:30- Time to pig out, It's always different, homemade pizza, or burger&fries, or something with white rice....always with water and 50g dextrose to wash it down.  For dessert, cake or cinnamon buns, ect.  Maybe popcorn or tortillas for a snack later. My off day Sunday is pretty well the same thing but I hold back on the carbs a bit or have none depending on how I felt in the morning, bloated or not.Thats it, please let me know if something's incongruent.  Thanks

    That doesnt look like enough protein in the ULC part of the day.  I say this because during your backload you don't list much in there either.  Can you fit in another meal around 10am?  Kiefer suggests going around 12 hours between you last meal at night and your first meal the next day.  From what you list you must get done eating around 7 or 8 and if your next meal is at noon the next day that is roughly 16 hours.  This may help in some cases with fat loss, but not if you're looking to put on mass.  Also, as far as your PWO shake I would switch it to some hydrolysates (like DH Blend H) and leucine.  This will spike your insulin without any carbs and should clear out any left over ketones you have laying around.  Having left over ketones in the bloodstream and skyrocketing insulin with sugar can really mess with hour appetite.  I had this same problem with lack of appetite PWO and Kiefer suggested this to me, as soon as I tried it I noticed a difference and was able to really pack away the carbs for the backload.

    Tanner, I noticed your point about breaking the fast at 12 hours. Would coffee and 1tbs coconut oil not constitute that? I thought Keifer said that would be fine.

    Lax, Pretty much what craggy said.  Kiefer said it would be "fine" with breaking the fast with coconut oil.  That me be optimal for someone looking solely for fat loss like craggy said but it isn't optimal for someone looking to put 20lbs of mass on. 



    Beauti guys thanks,I used to blend up 2 ripe bananas for my shake and that was enough to kill my appetite, but I'll give 1 a try.I used to have a huge appetite, I still cram the food down but it's just not as enjoyable.  I feel like a goose they make foie gras out of. hahah

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Critique my routine svp

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