Crossfit Contest

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    Didn't think club muscle was the right section for this so i'll put it here.Well i tend to have the same mindset about crossfit as everyone else here. However there is a lot of money in it. I've considered searching out some crossfit contest to compete in to win the cash prizes. How do ya'll think a weightlifter will do against crossfitters? i say weightlifter because i bounce back and forth between bodybuilding and powerlifting.


    Richard Schmitt

    Try it and see what you can do with it. Maybe you can have an opportunity to change it around. Maybe put actual strength in it. If you're serious about lifting heavy ass weight then I believe you'll be serious about kicking ass with CF


    Paulo Santos

    It all depends on what your strengths are and your skills.  If you want to be competitive, you have to be good at Snatches and Clean and Jerk.  And all of the skill stuff like double unders, muscle ups, kipping pullups, etc.  And make sure your conditioning is pretty good.



    Yea strength will not be an issue. Especially for the big 4 movements(squat, bench press, deadlift, shoulder press). Not sure if bench press is even part of crossfit? However I would need to work on the Olympic lifts and i guess learning how to do kips as opposed to my usual pull ups. Not too familiar with them really but still shouldnt be a problem especially in an amateur contest.


    Richard Schmitt

    Ah talk with LumberJacked. He is a great Oly Lifter and has a ton of knowledge about it. I don't think he'll mind sharing a bit. I can't speak for him because I don't know.



    You should probably compete really pissed or in a place of extreme isolated motivation. There's a group of crossfit guys that train at the same gym as me, and just being around them pisses me off. They're like freaking twiggy zealots. Likely martyrs too…lifting for the cause of injury.



    well as far as olympic lifts go a few instructional videos on youtube just to kind of brush up my form would probably suffice. its not like i have to set any kind of records. however i always appreciate advice from other people as well.



    If your looking to compete in cross-fit you best start training cross-fit.  All the strength in the world is not going to help without the metabolic conditioning.  There are a lot of guys doing this so competing successfully would require complete dedication to that style of training.  Regardless of what we may think of the training or the results it produces, you are not going to be these guys at their own game without “joining” them.



    I've been very anti-crossfit mostly because of the cult-like following, but I have actually been taking a few classes and really enjoy it. My roommate wanted to try it out and I figured why not. I absolutely love just going to the gym and lifting heavy ass weights (for me, ha) but this is a totally different challenge. I consider myself to be a pretty in shape person, but that shit kills me… if you want to be competitive in CF, you need to actually train CF. I would say it is impossible to just show up and win. You may be in great shape, but it's a whole different animal.


    Paulo Santos

    well as far as olympic lifts go a few instructional videos on youtube just to kind of brush up my form would probably suffice. its not like i have to set any kind of records. however i always appreciate advice from other people as well.

    I don't know if I should be posting this since CrossFit is not liked here, but I'm Level 1 Certified and I run an affiliate.  If you are already strong, you just have to work on your Snatch and Clean technique.  Nothing crazy.  You can easily throw it in before your strength work as a warm-up.  Things like 3-position snatches or 3-position cleans.  But you definitely have to have good metabolic conditioning or you will gas out quickly in those MetCons.  Strength will definitely help, but after a while, you just won't have the gas to keep up.  Kipping pullups is pretty easy to learn, along with handstand push-ups, muscle ups, and even kipping ring dips.  If you search those on YouTube, you will find good videos.  Just search CrossFit kipping pullups, etc.



    @ Paulo SantosAs someone thats in the business of crossfit do you believe a lot of the negativity it gets is deserved?


    Brandon D Christ

    According to Kiefer the best way to train for a CrossFit competition is to not do CrossFit and I agree with him.  Keep the strength training in the weight room and the conditioning on the track.  If you try to combine the two, like what cross fitters do, you will devastate your energy systems.  So do strength training and conditioning in desperate workouts and only combine the two at the competition.


    Brandon D Christ

    *seperate workouts


    Paulo Santos

    According to Kiefer the best way to train for a CrossFit competition is to not do CrossFit and I agree with him.  Keep the strength training in the weight room and the conditioning on the track.  If you try to combine the two, like what cross fitters do, you will devastate your energy systems.  So do strength training and conditioning in desperate workouts and only combine the two at the competition.

    Correct.  I do separate the two and do them on separate days:Day 1: ME UpperDay 2: DE LowerDay 3: MetConDay 4: RestDay 5: DE UpperDay 6: ME LowerDay 7: MetConDay 8: RestI also do light Olympic lifts before my strength work.


    Paulo Santos

    @ Paulo SantosAs someone thats in the business of crossfit do you believe a lot of the negativity it gets is deserved?

    Yes and no.  A lot of the negativity is from the videos that people see on YouTube, which is not a representation of crossfitters in general.  Another problem is some of the programming that some of the trainers have, which is rediculous.  Some of them just do MetCons and practically no strength work.Most good coaches are anal about form and most coaches don't believe in doing a lot of the stupid crap you see on videos, but unfortunately the few ruin it for most of us who don't do that stupid crap.

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Crossfit Contest

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