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  • #72316

    Jonathan H Blough

    I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine. 

    Kiefer actually admits to respecting most Crossfiters for their work ethic and desire to improve. that always makes me laugh is hearing crossfit defenders use disaster scenarios in their arguments. Piling up sandbags because the river overflowed its banks and the town is going to flood is a popular one.1) I have never had to do this. My dad has never had to do this. My grandpa has never had to do this. Considering an almost 200 years of combined life experience in my family with no flooding rivers, that's pretty low on my list of things to worry about.2) During my three month Crossfit experiment I'd usually get so beat up in the workout that I couldn't pile up sandbags the next day anyway.  ::)



    I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine. 

    Kiefer actually admits to respecting most Crossfiters for their work ethic and desire to improve. that always makes me laugh is hearing crossfit defenders use disaster scenarios in their arguments. Piling up sandbags because the river overflowed its banks and the town is going to flood is a popular one.1) I have never had to do this. My dad has never had to do this. My grandpa has never had to do this. Considering an almost 200 years of combined life experience in my family with no flooding rivers, that's pretty low on my list of things to worry about.2) During my three month Crossfit experiment I'd usually get so beat up in the workout that I couldn't pile up sandbags the next day anyway.  ::)

    Just as a self-respecting man, one should be able to lift enough sandbags to save their home from a flood. Ignore any training of any kind. Safe your damn family!



    I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine. 

    Kiefer actually admits to respecting most Crossfiters for their work ethic and desire to improve. that always makes me laugh is hearing crossfit defenders use disaster scenarios in their arguments. Piling up sandbags because the river overflowed its banks and the town is going to flood is a popular one.1) I have never had to do this. My dad has never had to do this. My grandpa has never had to do this. Considering an almost 200 years of combined life experience in my family with no flooding rivers, that's pretty low on my list of things to worry about.2) During my three month Crossfit experiment I'd usually get so beat up in the workout that I couldn't pile up sandbags the next day anyway.  ::)

    Yeah exactly. People I'm friends with on Facebook love posting pics of their bloody hands with the caption "Crossfit!". I guess they're trying to show how hardcore they are whenever all theyre doing is showing how idiotic they are for doing it over and over again.



    I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine. 

    Kiefer actually admits to respecting most Crossfiters for their work ethic and desire to improve. that always makes me laugh is hearing crossfit defenders use disaster scenarios in their arguments. Piling up sandbags because the river overflowed its banks and the town is going to flood is a popular one.1) I have never had to do this. My dad has never had to do this. My grandpa has never had to do this. Considering an almost 200 years of combined life experience in my family with no flooding rivers, that's pretty low on my list of things to worry about.2) During my three month Crossfit experiment I'd usually get so beat up in the workout that I couldn't pile up sandbags the next day anyway.  ::)

    Yeah exactly. People I'm friends with on Facebook love posting pics of their bloody hands with the caption "Crossfit!". I guess they're trying to show how hardcore they are whenever all theyre doing is showing how idiotic they are for doing it over and over again.

    My boss is a crossfitian and she loves to show me her calusous and tell me how sore her back is. But she's also the most sterotypical crossfitian I've ever met.



    I think I can find some level of respect for Crossfitters, at least the ones who know what they are doing.  But the ones who think Crossfit is the end all, as far as training goes are purely uninformed and know nothing about training.  They're spinning their wheels as far as gaining any sort of respectible goalsets, unless you want to be average at everything. 



    I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine. 

    Kiefer actually admits to respecting most Crossfiters for their work ethic and desire to improve. that always makes me laugh is hearing crossfit defenders use disaster scenarios in their arguments. Piling up sandbags because the river overflowed its banks and the town is going to flood is a popular one.1) I have never had to do this. My dad has never had to do this. My grandpa has never had to do this. Considering an almost 200 years of combined life experience in my family with no flooding rivers, that's pretty low on my list of things to worry about.2) During my three month Crossfit experiment I'd usually get so beat up in the workout that I couldn't pile up sandbags the next day anyway.  ::)

    Yeah exactly. People I'm friends with on Facebook love posting pics of their bloody hands with the caption "Crossfit!". I guess they're trying to show how hardcore they are whenever all theyre doing is showing how idiotic they are for doing it over and over again.

    yea theres guy on my facebook that loves to post his bloody hands. i always like to reply back and get him rilled up, yea its juvinille but his responses are golden.hell put stuff like 100 kips and 100 cleans did this. my reply is generally, thats odd ever since i started doing strict pullups and heavy cleans my hands are tough as leather and never bleed. i guess hand toughness correlates to the actual workout.and then in like 30min its blown up with all his crossfit friends typing in all caps. then i just chuckle and go to the gym.



    Silly boys, Crossfit is for girls!  I just saw a shirt that said so…In fact there might be some relevance in that statement, since women respond differently hormonally to working out.  Not that I'm saying that all women should do Crossfit, but their is quite a bit of benefit in that women pocess an uncanny ability to outperform most men on repetitions with submaximal reps, that would make most men cry and whimper in the corner.  I've seen it happen on numerous occasions for high end rep work.  My male clients are gassed, and the females are still trucking along, wondering what the big deal is...Thoughts?


    Jonathan H Blough

    i always like to reply back and get him rilled up, yea its juvinille but his responses are golden.

    Juvenile, but fun. Speaking of Facebook, Vibram posted this before some recent Crossfit games.My favorite response was "I don't think this matters."  ???391186_10150957136689226_1267119239_n.jpg


    Brandon D Christ

    Crossfit workouts are retarded and unsafe.  However, I do like the idea of a Crossfit competition.  I do not know what they do in these competitions, but a competition that tests speed, endurance, and strength is pretty cool in my book.  I'm sorry, but I can't respect someone who can squat 1,000 pounds but is so fat that they can barely complete a pullup.

    Can you respect them based on their skills in a specific competition? I respect that soccer players have terrific footwork but don't respect the diving and all the "performance art". I respect Crossfitters in that they are involved in physical activity and strength (albeit bastardized versions) but don't respect that they wear multi-coloured knee high socks and do max rep box jumps. I think a 1,000 pound squatter should be respected for his work ethic and ingenuity in developing strength, regardless of their shortcomings off the platform.

    No I respect the fact that they are good at several things, which in my opinion, is a skill in of itself.  By good I mean better than the average person.  Anyways, while max rep box jumps are kind of dumb, many people think powerlifting is dumb.  Box jumps are still something that would be rather difficult do for an enormous amount of reps. 


    Lauren Norfleet

    i always like to reply back and get him rilled up, yea its juvinille but his responses are golden.

    Juvenile, but fun. Speaking of Facebook, Vibram posted this before some recent Crossfit games.My favorite response was "I don't think this matters."  ???391186_10150957136689226_1267119239_n.jpg

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA that's great! i have a friend that posts the bandaged hand pics with some level of pride too, but he's not the type of person who I can just go and bust his ass about Crossfit so I don't say anything.

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