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    So, I think it's been far too long since Keifer posted some hate threads towards the average Crossfitters out there.  Surprisingly enough I had forgotten all about Keifers past blog posts that seemed hidden to me, but in reality I just realized I was stupid for not finding these gems earlier.While browsing through I noticed this one...and I haven't seen any recent threads bashing here goes my own rant.-Why do Crossfitters perform multiple reps of snatches and/or clean and jerks?  Those are exercises designed to be performed for power!  1-5 reps only...if you can do 20 of the damn things you're weights are too light and/or your form sucks!-Kipping pullups are retarded!  Especially when the whole gym shakes from your pullup racks are swaying back and forth like a weather vane in a tornado.  And if you're too fat to even kick up to the bar, you need to start off on strict pullups rather than try to swing your way up to the bar.  Way to go gymnast Bob!-How can you sprint all out for 400-800 meters and then do 250 pullups, 250 pushups, and 250 situps?  More importantly why...-Crappy form on all exercises with light weights doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid and it pisses me off.-CF go ahead and defend yourselves...if you can pick up that BB and throw it hard enough to do any damage! Okay, rant over.  I'm sure I can come up with more, but I got revenge one day...I'm on my usual routine, 0330 headed into the gym for some serious deadlift work.  Game face is on, my body is feeling stoked to hoist up some heavy weights.  I grab my usual two sweat towels, because I will need them.  Not only to soak up the sweat, but also the tears from the weak and pathetic whiners at the gym (realize I workout in a military gym, and you'd be amazed at some of the 'retardation' that takes place there so the flaming is warranted).  Anyway, mental ego boosting aside I get there and one of the deadlift platforms is already taken, but no big deal, it's not the one I like anyway.  The guy on the platform next to me is a regular and he's always doing some weird routine, but today he happened to be deadlifting, errr...maybe he was practicing his hip hinging technique, I don't know what the whole thought process was actually.  He had one plate on the bar, and upon completing about 15-20 reps, he would sprint out of the gym (the gym is surrounded by ankle deep gravel--sprint around the gym, run over to the pullup bars and rip out about 10 really awful looking swinging pullups (not even going to classify them as kipping pullups), drop down grab a medicine ball and perform several med ball squat to throw tosses.  Those looked pretty sloppy too.  Then he'd come back over to the deadlift platform.  Meanwhile, I had already completed my warmup and was crushing 405x6-8.  I could feel his venomous stare, as he was walking back to the deadlift platform.  I was loading two more plates on the bar.  Then it happened, I don't know what came over me, but I just had to ask, "So I just did your whole workout in one set, how does that make you feel?"  No, I didn't say that, but I thought it.  Obviously he thought about it too, because he finished up one more set and then he left.  Or maybe that was is WOD.  Who knows...To finish that off I thought I'd post a quote from Keifer--> "Don’t be fooled into thinking that CrossFit will take you anywhere except under the knife when you destroy your shoulders from performing 20 clean-and-jerks with poor form—Olympic lifts are designed to be performed for one repetition after a solid set up at the bar."--Quoted from Keifer's Crossfit topic



    I can relate to this exactly! I work out on a Navy base, had an almost identical experience today.



    -Kipping pullups are retarded!  Especially when the whole gym shakes from your pullup racks are swaying back and forth like a weather vane in a tornado.  And if you're too fat to even kick up to the bar, you need to start off on strict pullups rather than try to swing your way up to the bar.  Way to go gymnast Bob!




    Here's another good one.  Ever heard of anyone spotting a clean and jerk.  Yep, so happened yesterday.  It's a good thing I don't have my phone or these would be going on YouTube.  Two guys on the Oly platform.  They've got a little over 135 on the bar and they're attempting to do clean and jerks.  Muscling the cleans to the chest by bouncing the bar off the thighs, reverse curling to the shoulders and then trying to push press to the top, only they get stuck about halfway up, so that the 'spotter' in the back has to assist from the elbows.I don't think it'll make the top ten of stupid moves in the gym, but it's close.  I don't know if I can take this place much longer. 



    Home gym, homie.


    Home gym, homie.

    +1Power rack in the garage.



    I would have started a “snap a pic of your gym” thread but I have no idea how to upload pictures to my computer via my blackberry.



    Have you tried sending the pic to your email?



    -Kipping pullups are retarded!  Especially when the whole gym shakes from your pullup racks are swaying back and forth like a weather vane in a tornado.  And if you're too fat to even kick up to the bar, you need to start off on strict pullups rather than try to swing your way up to the bar.  Way to go gymnast Bob!


    The point of the kipping pullups is speed. In competition they get points for however many they do in a certain amount of time. The faster they can do them, the more points.



    It would be one thing if they did just the power versions of the Oly lifts, but I've seen them in competitions doing the full competition lift which makes it even more retarded.


    Brandon D Christ

    Crossfit workouts are retarded and unsafe.  However, I do like the idea of a Crossfit competition.  I do not know what they do in these competitions, but a competition that tests speed, endurance, and strength is pretty cool in my book.  I'm sorry, but I can't respect someone who can squat 1,000 pounds but is so fat that they can barely complete a pullup.



    Crossfit workouts are retarded and unsafe.  However, I do like the idea of a Crossfit competition.  I do not know what they do in these competitions, but a competition that tests speed, endurance, and strength is pretty cool in my book.  I'm sorry, but I can't respect someone who can squat 1,000 pounds but is so fat that they can barely complete a pullup.

    Can you respect them based on their skills in a specific competition? I respect that soccer players have terrific footwork but don't respect the diving and all the "performance art". I respect Crossfitters in that they are involved in physical activity and strength (albeit bastardized versions) but don't respect that they wear multi-coloured knee high socks and do max rep box jumps. I think a 1,000 pound squatter should be respected for his work ethic and ingenuity in developing strength, regardless of their shortcomings off the platform.



    Here's a list of people who help Crossfitters learn how to lift weights:Louie SimmonsJesse BurdickMark BellDave Tate...Gonna make fun of all those guys too?I really think the bone to pick lies with Glassman and their asinine corporate practices/irresponsibility in promoting many unsafe, uncontrolled exercise practices, having absolutely no uniformity across their franchising, etc...  I really don't think the bone to pick lies with people willing to exert themselves.  In fact, I think that kind of attitude is pretty admirable, and most of those people, if given proper coaching, would really shine.  You can find egotistical idiots in every sport, that's nothing unique to Crossfitters, but by and large somebody willing to put themselves through some of the stupid shit they do has enormous potential just on attitude alone.  Everybody talks about how unhealthy the Western World is, how lazy everybody is, and then it somehow makes sense for Kiefer to carve out part of his market share by trying to alienate and disparage one of the only parts of the population that puts any effort into not being a fat slob?  (However misapplied that effort is, the point remains).Crossfit as a practice = Horrible, the devil's work in not much disguise.Crossfitters who practice it = A vastly untapped resource.  -Adam



    That's basically how I feel about it, Adam. I appreciate anyone who focuses their efforts on physical activity and bettering themselves. What I find abhorred are the techniques (or lack thereof) and practices that CF promotes. I LOVE that some of the biggest names in powerlifitng are on board with teaching proper technique and promoting strength training to CF'ers. You're correct that the members themselves are commendable for their efforts but I think CrossFit itself has it's place, even if it only serves as a bad example.



    Here's a list of people who help Crossfitters learn how to lift weights:Louie SimmonsJesse BurdickMark BellDave Tate...Gonna make fun of all those guys too?Crossfit as a practice = Horrible, the devil's work in not much disguise.Crossfitters who practice it = A vastly untapped resource.  -Adam

    I would have to agree.  There will always be exceptions to the rule.  I wouldn't mind having a CrossFit Cert just so I can show people the right way to do things.  I'm going to say I'm stereotyping the majority of Cross Fitters don't utilize correct form, don't know it, do unsafe things, and think that Cross Fit is the ultimate training program for everything.  However, it is far from the best training program, form is utmost important for overall success, and knowing what program manipulation you need to do to get stronger, increase hypertrophy, blah, blah, blah...Cross Fitters just think there program is the best, when it is clearly good for some things and not for others.I myself like some components of Cross Fit, but I will never say that I am a Cross Fitter.  At best I'm a hybrid type trainer.  I like it all.  I take aspects of what works and utilize what I think is best from each person as it applies to my goals.  That is all.

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