CT Fletcher

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  • #158913


    20 minute abs…Fuck 20 minute anything!!!! That shit isn't going to work..



    You must watch this video.I listen to this on my PR attempts.  I modified it and cut out the first part which is what I wanted. I loop this fucking thing.Never fails. PR in.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmAAMtfu9ZcI made an MP3 of this, one of my top motivational videos.I will be a monster one day.I don't give a fuck what anyone says, you this you that.



    I get so into my shit, I cry sometimes post sets from my intensity.I have a week out of the month where I work some crazy intensity.I choose a gym where I don't have 100 twats walking around me.I would work Chest with Back. Finish a set of Flat bench, turn around grab the bar with the same weight and do Barbell ROWS right after, no REST.Finish the set of BARBELL ROWS and lay back down with extra weight. Back and forth until I complete 4 sets of each reaching 225 lbs and more.I would then go for Incline Press and close grip (T-BAR) barbell row consecutively, no rest one after another set.I would go for Dumbbell Flyes and Dumbell Lat Raise, consecutively, no rest one after another set.You will have a massive pump by the time you are finished with this.You will love yourself.You will lay on the floor and cry for minutes, your skin color will change.You will have a massive 1 hour full body TAN.You should have Roadmap Veins.I can fully describe this workout as I created it on my own based on some Serious training I received years ago from a very serious elite guy. A 73 year old soldier. A massive 302 lb 6'5 Russian with 23 inch arms at 73 years of age.


    My God I love CT. Screw pre-workouts and Test boosters, just watch his videos.



    My God I love CT. Screw pre-workouts and Test boosters, just watch his videos.

    Did you just find out this man existed?I knew of him since I was a little kid in Cuba.I had pictures of Sergio all over my room when I was 12



    Download a few words of wisdom.Make MP3's out of them.Listen to them at the gym.Let me just say, you will have more control of your own mind.You will be STRONGERYou will be WISER



    I was once told, if you are not crying after every set, you are not working hard enough.If your heart rate is in a controlled manner after your set, you are not working hard enough.If your eyes aren't red after your set, you are not working hard enough.



    My wonderful woman did not want me lifting today.She claims I should not lift weights while I have a FLU, nasty condition I must say I've got.She did not pack clothes for my PM lifting today, she did not allow me to lift in the AM.I cheated her PM time. I still went to lift with my jeans on and work attire.I worked my ass off today.I worked my morning Bench Press and my PM ROWS.They were still my sets.556925_146303365537128_1659180479_n.jpg



    Gotta share this one.577822_143621045805360_586424683_n.jpg



    Some guys were talking about CT Fletcher in the gym tonight. Hadnt seen his video before yesterday.



    Some guys were talking about CT Fletcher in the gym tonight. Hadnt seen his video before yesterday.

    Now consider yourself receiving an award. CT Fletcher is beast. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD



    CT released another video.Holy fuck its funny.Next Stop: Mt Bicepius- Biceps Workout with CT Fletcherhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K65LdneNzF0



    CT released another video.Holy fuck its funny.Next Stop: Mt Bicepius- Biceps Workout with CT Fletcherhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K65LdneNzF0

    Bulo, he said how many!ROFLMount Bicepious! WTF ROFL...



    I wanna go to disneyland mama. Fuck that.



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CT Fletcher

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