B4 back loadTotal as follows: Cal 1,207, Protein 97 grams, Fat 73 grams, carbs 50 grams max from vegetables avocadoI follow a Higher fat paleo diet, this had made me feel the best, ratio on not training days are 70% fat 20% protien 10% carbs.Backload choices are white rice potatoes and sweet potatoes. I also have a question on table sugar. It is not recommended because on the fat storage and not high enough on the index right? but why is it ok then to have pastries and icecream? they are full of that exact sugar so why not just drink sugar water? Fries and burgers but the fat in those would slow down the spike,wouldn't it?The fat ratio is a balanced of Sat,Mono,and omega 3's...PUFA are kept low as are omega 6 for ratio sake.Weight 181lb around 14% to 15% bf I really dont take much on measurements I got for simple stronger and denser.