Dangerously Hardcore Experts

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    So in episode #14 of Biojacked, Keifer mentions that he's going to be having DHExs (did I acronym that right?) who have been tutored in the ways of Dangerously Hardcoreness and can work with people one-on-one. Am I understanding this right? This is going to be a kind of personal nutrition plan design thing? Or is it just more knowledgable people on the forums?


    Richard Schmitt

    Not quite sure yet. I'm sure the DH Group that works with Kiefer specifically can answer this better. Or Kiefer himself. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk



    Certain people are gOing to be “DH Certified” and will be in direct contact with Kiefer and will act as experts when it comes to cbl and CNS. Alex Navarro will be one and the Phillips guy from episode 12 will be another.


    Brandon D Christ

    Maybe it is Kiefer's inner circle he mentioned.



    “Kiefers inner circle”somehow sounds to me like a body part or an internal organ that other people really shouldn't be a part of...

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