Dangerouslyhardcore ads/quirky images!

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  • #6185

    Craig jones

    Hey guys, mainly out of bordom one day and out of frustration of being told the diet I was on was bull shit (despite the awesome results) I put together, over a period of weeks, some images to drum up some interest or at least discussions about the diets. To my surprise I got some really good feed back and some great discussions. Okay also some arguments but I'm well versed in CNS and CBL and blew them out the water lol.Feel free to use my ads to put on your social media sites and see what topics come up. Also I would be greatful for any further images you might find interesting for me to pin up and get some good discussions going!Bare in mind, these were no way affiliated with dangerouslyhardcore but kiefer did repost a lot of them so I don't think he would mind.Craig


    Craig jones

    And these


    Craig jones

    These too


    Craig jones

    Last but not least


    Richard Schmitt

    Craggy these are freaking awesome!


    Craig jones

    Cheers tex, surprised you ain't seen most of them on the fb group page for DH! Pin them up to your hearts content. Surprising the responses you get. I have em everywhere, Pinterest, Facebook, twitter…….


    Richard Schmitt

    Oh I have seen a lot of these but never knew it was from you! I'll be sure to pass these on


    Craig jones

    Sweet! I knew you'd recognise a few lol


    Craig jones

    If anyone would like? I could email the full size images. These look a little crappy!



    i absolutely love the one with dr oz and then kiefer on the right…Dr OZ  is the skidmark in the underpants of society!


    Craig jones

    i absolutely love the one with dr oz and then kiefer on the right...Dr OZ  is the skidmark in the underpants of society!



    Brandon D Christ

    Great photos…except NO PASTA!!!


    Craig jones

    New one


    Brandon D Christ

    What is the second image from the left on the bottom?



    Do you guys have affiliate links tooSent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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Dangerouslyhardcore ads/quirky images!

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