Day 5 of Prep Phase!!!!

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    Day 5 of prep phase and feeling great!  Loving the results so far and can't wait to see what happens further ahead.  The last 5 days I am going to try to deplete my body evern moreso of carbs.  The 30g/day is just the baseline correct?  You can go below?  On another note, on the 10th day after my work out, should I just go crazy on the carbs within the baselines that Kiefer set up?  Or just disregard that and start the chart on the 11th day to see how my body reacts.  Also, when you use the charts as a guideline (ex. Delta Chart), do I weigh myself after I do my carb night or the morning on the 10th day?  Thanks.Tony


    Richard Schmitt

    Day 5 of prep phase and feeling great!  Loving the results so far and can't wait to see what happens further ahead.  The last 5 days I am going to try to deplete my body evern moreso of carbs.  The 30g/day is just the baseline correct?  You can go below?  On another note, on the 10th day after my work out, should I just go crazy on the carbs within the baselines that Kiefer set up?  Or just disregard that and start the chart on the 11th day to see how my body reacts.  Also, when you use the charts as a guideline (ex. Delta Chart), do I weigh myself after I do my carb night or the morning on the 10th day?  Thanks.Tony

    You're supposed to go lower. That's the Max amount.You can use the charts and go a little wild for your first CN to get an idea



    Day 5 of prep phase and feeling great!  Loving the results so far and can't wait to see what happens further ahead.  The last 5 days I am going to try to deplete my body evern moreso of carbs.  The 30g/day is just the baseline correct?  You can go below?  On another note, on the 10th day after my work out, should I just go crazy on the carbs within the baselines that Kiefer set up?  Or just disregard that and start the chart on the 11th day to see how my body reacts.  Also, when you use the charts as a guideline (ex. Delta Chart), do I weigh myself after I do my carb night or the morning on the 10th day?  Thanks.Tony

    You're supposed to go lower. That's the Max amount.You can use the charts and go a little wild for your first CN to get an idea

    Thx Tex, always helpful as usual.  What about weighing myself?  When should this be done to base my guidelines from the charts?  Should I do it on the morning of the 10th day prior to carb loading?


    Richard Schmitt

    I would do it that morning. Also the next just to see how much water and glycogen you're storing. Plus it'll give you an idea of what to expect



    I would do it that morning. Also the next just to see how much water and glycogen you're storing. Plus it'll give you an idea of what to expect

    Thx again Tex..makes sense.  I will be sure to do both.



    You're supposed to go lower. That's the Max amount.lower really!I thought he mentioned 30g max but said people who take in the fibre as proposed to elcluding completely had better results, or was this for post prep phase?I ask as I've just finished day 6 and have done about 4 sets of intervals as well as normal training and feel fine on about 20g/day - albeit I'm completely jacked on caffeine (almost to the stage of immunity but the coffee def. holds of the hunger at bay)


    Fiber doesn't count toward the carb numbers, only count net carbs.(Totaly carbs minus fiber)



    Fiber doesn't count toward the carb numbers, only count net carbs.(Totaly carbs minus fiber)

    Not sure I get that, can you point me towards the source so I an read a little more about itcome to think about it I'm not sureI know what fibre is exactly and how it relates to 


    Fiber doesn't count toward the carb numbers, only count net carbs.(Totaly carbs minus fiber)

    Not sure I get that, can you point me towards the source so I an read a little more about itcome to think about it I'm not sureI know what fibre is exactly and how it relates to

    ...Huh?Fiber isn't a useable carb.This is discussed in the book.

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Day 5 of Prep Phase!!!!

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