Dealing with people who don’t believe in CBL or CNS

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    Nicholas E bucci

    I'm in the best shape of my life due to CBL. 17% BF and dropping (down from 23%), strong as I've been since college ball and eating food I crave whenever I want. Heck, makes me more motivated because sometimes I'll just workout an extra day so I can backload that night.With that being said I've recently been getting "have you lost weight" followed by "how?" The few instances when I've had time to explain, I've gotten looks of disbelief, confusion or the worst, jealousy. The last is the one I struggle to deal with. Trainers and friends who have lost weight the old fashioned way (Read: chicken, rice and a piece of lettuce) can't wrap their head around CBL. Even when i point them to the website, they refuse to investigate. Normally they claim it's a gimmick or more often that It'll stop working and I'll have a rebound or more often, that I'll have a heart attack tomorrow.  😮Has anyone else delt with this, and if so, have they had better luck convincing the nay-sayers about how awesome CBL is? I feel like I need a better plan of attack for my next encounter...



    yep i was trying to explain it to another guy at the gym as to how i eat ice cream all the time and still maintain visible abs. His reply was that im lucky to be genetically gifted somehow. i am not even close to being considered genetically gifted.


    I take them out to eat and either have as much bacon as I can order or the biggest dessert I can depending on if I've trained or not that day.



    Don't hang out with close-minded people. I explained CBL to my dad the other day and he was like “Holy shit that is awesome, I always knew my workout and eat m&ms routine did something good, but I couldn't explain why.” If I suspect someone is stupid, I just avoid the subject or troll them. I make it a point to exaggerate the shit out of my bad eating/lifestyle habits to make it sound like I'm a chain smoker who snorts coke before dead-lifting cars, drinks booze exclusively and feasts on retarded amounts of junk. Genetics baby, genetics. People who are actually intelligent will be extremely curious to hear about stuff like CBL if you have enough time to explain it to them.



    LOL. I must admit I like that this is still very much uncommon knowledge. It feels like my secret weapon. What I dont like is that people can see how much its helping me and when I give them pointers they wont listen. One young guy at my gym I tried to help apparently only wants to get lean, doesnt care about getting much bigger, but looks exactly the same as he did a year ago when I explained what I was doing to lean down. Its sad how much time people are prepared to waste. But at the same time I feel like Ive wasted 8 years following traditional bodybuilding diet advice to finally find something that works!Everyone has to make their own journey.



    +1 for the genetically gifted comments. They always just blame it on metabolism. Even though I've gained about 6lbs of muscle in about a month on DB. Also, +1 on the secret weapon idea! Haha I laugh on the inside whenever I see the people dying eating all their 8 meals with oatmeal and brown rice and barely any results while I sit back with my papa johns and cinna pie and getting bigger. Muwahaha



    I get strange looks when I tell people. Plus I think people believe I am exaggerating how much I eat. If they arent willing to listen I wont even try. It is hard to convince people something they dont want to believe.



    I was strict primal for two years which brought me from 253 lbs 40% bf down to at my lowest 178 lbs probably 12% bf (skinny fat). Hit the weights and got up to 195 lbs 14% or so bf.  I'm really trying to get down to single digit bf and gain more muscle but when I tell everyone what I'm eating they just tell me I'm justifying it and I'm going to get fat again.  So now I post up on face book what I eat on carb back load nights just to piss them off.  Yesterday: Chicken and tater tots, 4 donuts, 5 chocolate chip cookies and blueberry kiefer (the drink not the guy lmao).



    I lift up my shirt and show them my abs. Then I send them the link to the Men's Fitness article that turned me onto CNS and CBL. The fact that Kiefer has been published in major fitness magazines for whatever reason seems to convince some folks that there may actually be something to his programs. I tell people it is like the team building exercise of falling back and the group of people catching you. Yes, it is contrary to everything you have seen elsewhere. But do you have any scientific peer reviewed studies to support what you have read and been told? No. I then tell them to buy CNS and CBL. If there is any major claim–I usually use no breakfast–there is a footnote to a study to support the claim. I have read several diets, no one else cities scientific studies for their claims. If that does not get them, we start talking politics. 😉


    Richard Schmitt

    Yep deal with it all the time, I just keep to myself and let what ever progress I'm making show for it.


    I find there are those who are simply uneducated / naive, and after explanation (and example) they sound interested, or at least drop suspicion.Then, there are those who are uneducated, lazy, and want everything spoon-fed to them (sadly, this is the majority).  Furthermore, they tend to be the ones who don't want to work hard for it anyway.  They are the types who buy into the "15-minute abs" type crap they see on late-night infomercials, or whatever the hot gimmick of the moment is.  These are also the types who attribute ALL good physiques, not just IFBB Pro's, to steroid use.  Yeah, b/c steroids mean you don't have to work hard, eat right and remain on track?  Bull$h1t!Haters are everywhere.  F--k 'em!  Do what you want for your body / life.  Most people have no grounds to insult you for your choices, anyway.  It is typically just jealousy.Cory


    Nicholas E bucci

    Damn, glad I'm not the only one haha. I consider a few of the doubters "friends" so I'm constantly in a struggle to convince them to give CBL a shot. Good thoughts on showing the references, I suppose if that in combination with my results doesn't at least pique their curiosity, then I'll just have to accept their stubborness.

    I take them out to eat and either have as much bacon as I can order or the biggest dessert I can depending on if I've trained or not that day.

    You sir, are a wise man.



    I'm  excited because I've got a good friend that is currently going through the prep phase right now, and he's going to give it a shot because he's seen my results and seen what I've eaten. He's 40 and I'm 18 and he's one of the many few that are actually willing to put their ego aside and listen to the reasoning I have for everything I do. Usually, people just see that I'm younger than they are so they automatically think its out of being young for my gains or they just assume I have no idea what I'm talking about. People definitely want to be spoonfed and won't open a damn book or search the Internet. Argh. Rant over. Haha.



    Fuck them is my general response.To be honest, the less people that know about this AWESOME way of eating, the better it makes us look  8)



    As Louis Armstrong said, “There's some folks that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em.”

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Dealing with people who don’t believe in CBL or CNS

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