Dealing with people who just don’t get it….

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    Hello everyone,My friends and family know I have always been into working out even when I did hit a bit of a skid a few years ago and drinking and partying was a regular routine as well. I don't regret any of that time but it amazes me that most of my friends have such a hard time of me letting that go when it only last roughly a year and half and I have been lifting weights and what not for 11 years. They have a hard time with my only drinking once or twice a month and even then 2-3 beers I am done. I don't push anything I do on other people. In fact I have learned not to really comment even if they are talking about working out unless I am asked. I keep my mouth shut because arguing with people who are wrong is often more of a fight than arguing with people who know what they are talking about.I purposely try to avoid alienating myself due to diet and what not, but its gotten to the point that if I decide to go hangout and I am not slamming beers with them they want to constantly to talk about why I am not drinking. God forbid you watch any sporting event without a case of beer and transfat filled foods! I also have the friends who are filled any and all excuses that "want to work out" but___insert excuse here___ For example a friend of mine is doing a everyday weight less squat challenge that she seen on FB. She was saying how here legs are strong and she doesn't need to use free weights because she's constantly bending and moving at work all day..... Here is my thought... Obviously its not working!!! And it is not enough!!!One of my friends was telling me Saturday night he feels awful and looks like shit..Come Sunday morning.... You want to come by and play beer pong and grill out?(And were not talking about good sources of meats here lol) Maybe I should start talking to them why they need to stop drinking and eating like shit everyday. Because you know the man boobs, guts, bad skin, mishaped body, GI issues, and being hungover is such a fun way to live! lolI've also noticed how much younger I look then my friends who are all the same age(29). I even look younger and better than a friend of my friends who are 3-5 years younger.At this point my mindset is to hell with them and if people are bringing in negativity I don't want any part of it. You can't live in the past and in my experience when people are in shitty circumstances they want other people involved. Thanks for reading my rant!


    Mr. G

    All of us that step out of the norm. deal with this kind of thing. I used to try and help others but found out that you really can't unless they want to make a change themselves. Even in these forums you can tell by some of the posts people are looking for ways to shut this method down. I can tell you this that if you stay true to your ways, whatever they are, people will accept what you are doing.



    Don't worry about what other people are doing or want you to do. Just do what you feel is right for you, and if they don't like it they know what they can do.


    Don't worry about what other people are doing or want you to do. Just do what you feel is right for you, and if they don't like it they know what they can do.

    I am not worrying about those people are doing or what they want you to do. It just amazes me that so called "friends" will do anything to try to hold you down.



    Just wait until you make enough progress that strangers come up to you and ask"Are you doing steroids?"Or"Nobody has a body like that" Clearly some people do.


    Just wait until you make enough progress that strangers come up to you and ask"Are you doing steroids?"Or"Nobody has a body like that" Clearly some people do.

    2 of my wife's friends have already asked if "she lets" me use steroids lol 2 of her older coworkers call me the Muscle man lol.



    Just wait until you make enough progress that strangers come up to you and ask"Are you doing steroids?"Or"Nobody has a body like that" Clearly some people do.

    2 of my wife's friends have already asked if "she lets" me use steroids lol 2 of her older coworkers call me the Muscle man lol.

    Jlapaca, I feel the same way, but I tend now to bring myself away from that crowd.  My wife and I are fairly new to our subdivision and really don't care to hang out with the individuals anyways, but I just tell them "no" if I want a drink and if they continue to pester I look em dead in the eye and say "NO".  Our friends who we just hung out with on the 4th, were respectful of the fact that we didn't drink and never twisted our arms to do so.  They also found the time to compliment us on how much we are leaning up and we have only been on it for around a month, but have eaten clean even prior to this.  Yes, I know I ask many questions cause I am never satisfied and your patience is great with the advice.  In the end, your true friends will respect your lifestyle changes, all others can stand aside and watch me progress!!!!


    I don't really care what they have to say it just really amazes me some of the comments that are made.  For example I can't handle certain foods anymore and my friend was telling me I should go back to eating bad so my body is used to it lol. If they want to continue to destroy their health and decrease the quality of their lives that is on them.



    I don't really care what they have to say it just really amazes me some of the comments that are made.  For example I can't handle certain foods anymore and my friend was telling me I should go back to eating bad so my body is used to it lol. If they want to continue to destroy their health and decrease the quality of their lives that is on them.

    one thing that i always find funny is how afraid of fat people are and how unafraid of carbs.. You talk to someone about breakfast and they have no problem eating stack of pancakes with orange juice and toast for about 200g of carbs yet you tell them you have a breakfast consisting of maybe 15g of fat(like a tbls of coconut oil) and they look at you like you are crazy and that doing that is bad for you


    Brandon D Christ

    Here is a tip I discovered for social situations involving alcohol…keep your energy levels really high and be as sociable as possible.  Those are actually the reasons why people like to drink, it lower inhibitions and “allows” people to be more sociable than normal.  If you are able to do this without alcohol, people will NOT care if you are drinking or not.  Food is a little bit trickier.  Restaurant situations are generally not a problem, but issues can arise when someone is cooking for you.  People often get very offended if you refuse the food they cook.  While this sucks for people that watch what they eat, it is just the way it is.  Be prepared to piss people off in these situations.Bottom line is that this is just another obstacle you are going to have to deal with.  Just give it time and your friends will come around.  If not, then you might want to consider getting new friends.


    I told my friend the other day that during Football season this year I don't plan on getting drunk every weekend and he couldn't get over it. Its amazing how important getting fucked up is to some people. Its pretty pathetic that people out there view it as a high light in their life. Told him I don't push my views and way of living on people and I expect the same. I have a feeling he will be watching football else where this season.


    Brandon D Christ

    I told my friend the other day that during Football season this year I don't plan on getting drunk every weekend and he couldn't get over it. Its amazing how important getting fucked up is to some people. Its pretty pathetic that people out there view it as a high light in their life. Told him I don't push my views and way of living on people and I expect the same. I have a feeling he will be watching football else where this season.

    Don't explain yourself to him.  If he asks why make a joke about it.  Make HIM seem like the uptight asshole.  If you try to convince with logic it won't work.For instance if he asks if you are going to drink jokingly say something like, "Nah, drinkings for pussies!".  It's all in the delivery.  The key is don't seriously defend it.  I learned this from my roommate who was a distance runner and whenever he would abstain from alcohol, this is how he handled it.  Instead of people making fun of him for not drinking, it turned into everyone begging him to drink.  Which is still annoying, but not quite as bad.


    I told my friend the other day that during Football season this year I don't plan on getting drunk every weekend and he couldn't get over it. Its amazing how important getting fucked up is to some people. Its pretty pathetic that people out there view it as a high light in their life. Told him I don't push my views and way of living on people and I expect the same. I have a feeling he will be watching football else where this season.

    Don't explain yourself to him.  If he asks why make a joke about it.  Make HIM seem like the uptight asshole.  If you try to convince with logic it won't work.For instance if he asks if you are going to drink jokingly say something like, "Nah, drinkings for pussies!".  It's all in the delivery.  The key is don't seriously defend it.  I learned this from my roommate who was a distance runner and whenever he would abstain from alcohol, this is how he handled it.  Instead of people making fun of him for not drinking, it turned into everyone begging him to drink.  Which is still annoying, but not quite as bad.

    I like that approach a lot. Knowing this guy he will continue to beg me either way lol. Funny thing is this guy is all about "being young" and think's dying his hair and dressing from Abercombie and Fitch(he's 29 btw)  and drinking every weekend is acting and making him feel young. But he doesn't think working out and taking care of his health will help him look and feel younger.



    Each to their own mate. Just because friends enjoys going out and getting smashed all the time doesn't mean you have to. Also they don't need to train, and eat healthy if that's not what their in to. Everyone has their thing that makes them feel good. You've gone for the healthy option so no one should frown upon that, and if they do so what?



    I have tried to convince people to workout, diet, change unhealthy habits, but honestly it comes down to the individuals themselves. You can't put a gun to their head and say you're going to stop all of the shit! haha If they want to change themselves they need to have the willpower inside of them to change. If not, there's no a whole lot you can do.

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Dealing with people who just don’t get it….

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