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    Sherylea Hurst

    Im going to try adding some dextrose to my PWO shake on my Carb Nite this week.  How much do you add?  Im assuming this comes in powdered form?


    Richard Schmitt

    Powdered form yes, I use NOW Sports Dextrose. You can get it from TrueNutrition as well. Honestly, I would use about 15-20g. I use around 20g PWO on my CN. I'm sure you could get away with more if you can tolerate it without it messing up your stomach. When is your CN?


    I use 40g. Mostly because that's how much the scoop I decided to toss in the tub is.


    Sherylea Hurst

    My next carb nite is this Saturday so I will give it a try. How long after this post workout shake before I should eat?


    My next carb nite is this Saturday so I will give it a try. How long after this post workout shake before I should eat?

    I generally wait about an hour.

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