DH Kiefer’s quote on fatloss set up.

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    Thank you for your reply.Looked in CNS book.Curiously, the sample meal plans have noteworthy less fat than protein. In GRAMS.Safe food lists are labeled with fat, protein, and carb in GRAMS.


    Lesli Bortz

    CNS book is very old, right? I'd look for answers here if that's the case. I'm kinda intrigued to drop the fat and raise protein. Seems an easy change. Might have to reduce coconut and fish oils though. Luckily my bacon is a 1:1 (6g fat: 6g prot) ratio - was hard to find! I switched over to 85/15 beef instead of 75/25...now has 16g fat: 29g protein....I think as women we are doubly challenged...I'm sure a lot will be clarified in the update. I'm patient!



    My thoughts exactly. CNS book 2005. Maybe drop fat a little in comparison to protein. I JUST started counting macros, but until then, I was trying to up the fats to go a little over (guesstimate).



    oh my god, I'm 2 weeks into CNS and I haven't lost weight at all (I am already pretty lean but looking to get that stubborn fat off) and I thought I might be doing something wrong.  I have struggled and worked hard to get my fat ratio up so it's more like 1:1 grams with protein.  But since I'm lean (for a woman I'm probably around 17-18% bf. I have visible abs but lately it's been less visible since cns).  I wonder if I dropped to .5/1 in grams like you're saying if that would start my weight loss going. I'm currently, as of today 55.6kilograms (122.3lbs) – goal of 51 kilograms(112lbs) at 5'4.5″  I haven't restricted my cals at all and I find I am hungry – been between 1700 and 2100 cals/day. It would be much easier for me to eat higher protein then fat grams…so if someone doesn't mind looking at my calculations that would be like 112 grams protein and 56grams fat??


    Lasse Elsbak

    This is not new information, this is more or less exactly the way Kiefer has said to do CBL the whole time, isn't it?1:1 prot:fat pre-workout, then reduced fat in the backload - as long as you eat half your protein before you train and half after.It is really early in the morning though, I might be missing something.  😛



    "1:1 grams is the baseline for recompositioning with CBL and you go up or down from there. This thread is about dropping fat (getting shredded I believe). Context is everything." -DH KieferFor CBL, this is the words from Kiefer from the FB Page. I'm sure he's pissed or annoyed at this point. I don't blame him. .5g:1g for Dropping Body Fat 1g:1g for Recomping The Body

    Why would he be pissed? His marketing says "drop ridiculous amounts of fat WHILE packing on muscle", so he should not be pissed when people gain fat and start changing/questioning his stuff. First, if it all would have been crystal clear, we would not have this discussion and more importantlySecond, if he himself starts to distinguish between fat loss and muscle building, he has a problem here, because it would mean his "diet" does not work as advertised. I think it's all cool though, and actually Kiefer is quite happy that the FB group and this forum is providing him a full blown field research database without paying much money.After all, this is a big science experiment we are doing here, so not everything always going into the "right" direction should be very welcome. If he starts getting pissed because people start questioning and "doubting" his word, he is nothing more than the gurus he hates so much.



    I believe Kiefer was referring to CBL in  the Facebook quote, I really hope so anyway. If not he shouldn't be pissed, the purchasers of his books and followers of  the DH forums should be pissed at all the misinformation  spread on HIS  site and forum.



    I believe Kiefer was referring to CBL in  the Facebook quote, I really hope so anyway. If not he shouldn't be pissed, the purchasers of his books and followers of  the DH forums should be pissed at all the misinformation  spread on HIS  site and forum.

    Well,he's a busy guy, but I agree that there is a lot of stuff that needs to be cleared up a bit.


    This is seemingly turned into a shit storm.People are taking what he said out of context when applying it to CNS, he said that would be what to do as a base line to purely lose fat on CBL, so someone that isn't so much interested on gaining muscle, but still wants to lean out but needs more carbs then you would get on CNS.He said if you are looking to recomp a baseline is 1:1 in grams.He has said when doing CNS do 1:1 in grams minus PWO protein intake.Draugluir got it right, this isn't so much new info, a lot of people have done CBL with a total protein and fat ratio closer to 1:1 in calories and seen good fat loss. I've done both 1:1 in calories and close to 1:1 in grams and seen results from both, fat loss is quicker when it's in calories, but I didn't have the same strength or muscle increases from it, so in the end it all comes down to your goals.


    Richard Schmitt

    Yeah I passed out before getting back on here. The .5:1 ratio is the Pure Fat Loss for CBL SA, nothing to do with CNS. The 1:1 rule still seems to apply for CNS, because ultimately you're not taking in any carbs which will benefit to losing fat. For those who are having trouble with it is because your body still needs to adapt to the change, and you HAVE to monitor the ULC foods you're taking in as well. It's not new, just something now discussed more thoroughly.Also to answer Toyko, just putting myself in his shoes. Not like he would, but I made an assumpting.


    Holy crap! I've been missing alot in the last 24hours…So just to confirm this only applies to CBL and not CNS?Reason being, I'm kind of stuck at 8% BF and I want to get down to 6-6.5% before I start CBL!


    Holy crap! I've been missing alot in the last 24hours...So just to confirm this only applies to CBL and not CNS?Reason being, I'm kind of stuck at 8% BF and I want to get down to 6-6.5% before I start CBL!

    You might benefit from trying some tweaks like this even on CNS but only when trying to get to such low BF levels.



    What exactly does recomposition mean as opposed to loding fat?

    He said if you are looking to recomp a baseline is 1:1 in grams.



    What exactly does recomposition mean as opposed to loding fat?

    He said if you are looking to recomp a baseline is 1:1 in grams.

    Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time while roughly maintaining body weight.



    Good stuff here.How does the .5/1 (1:1 cal) work as far as ULC meals and avoiding insulin spikes?  I guess to ask a different way, what's the minimum ratio of fat to protein (in cal) to make sure the ULC portion of CBL is going smoothly?I am definitely getting the mass gains, and honestly having to ADD fat for ULC meals, so taking it out would be easy.  I have noticed a smidge of fat return post-prep period (2 weeks in) but the beltline has budged so I'm not panicking.

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DH Kiefer’s quote on fatloss set up.

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