Did anyone download the December 10, 2012 "Crossfit Diet?"

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    Anyone left with a copy? spencezerocool@hotmail.comThanks a ton!


    Was anyone able to get a hold of the crossfit diet lately? If so, can you please PM me? (I don't want to display my email address on this thread.) Thanks in advance.



    Was anyone able to get a hold of the crossfit diet lately? If so, can you please PM me? (I don't want to display my email address on this thread.) Thanks in advance.

    Ditto for me.  I'd be interested in taking a look at it and seeing how it compares to what I've sorted out for myself



    Hate to resurrect this thread but I can't find the file anywhere. Could someone email it please? It'd be greatly appreciated. ThanksNickstar517@mac.com


    Brian M Eckstrom

    is this alive still



    Can still be found at:http://athlete.io/3187/crossfit-diet-the-ultimate-guide-to-amazing-results-with-carb-backloading/Change the dangerouslyhardcore links to athlete.io links and they still work, AFAICT.



    WTF? I just tried it and it doesn't work anymore.


    Brian M Eckstrom

    i have this (high volume training diet), heavy duty cbl, and shockwave on a dropbox.i'm only weary to share it because of possible copyright stuff. i feel like it isn't available anymore for a reason.

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Did anyone download the December 10, 2012 "Crossfit Diet?"

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