Did my first backload last night.

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    Had 6 krispy kreme glazed doughnuts and 3 bowls of frosted cinnamon toast crunch, then around 3 hours later had 6 cinnamon rolls and ice cream. Also got my protein in. Didn't feel bloated this morning and I'm more vascular, and skin feels a little tighter. Needless to say, last night was wonderful.



    I didn't even know frosted cinnamon toast crunch existed.  I'm from Colorado but I moved to England 3 years ago.  I just got a box of captain crunch shipped over here and I'm super excited to dig in to that next week.  They are a bit behind the times over here, with health food and with junk food.  One good thing though, is that they still use sugar in their sodas, though that doesn't matter to me because I never drink soda anyway.



    @Kendog Great! Sounds like it was a success

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Did my first backload last night.

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